No support. You don't meet the requirements, review them here: Get active on forums. You'll need more time to be on 2 hours won't cut it, I suggest trying to play more then your everyday time. The application needs way more information. Add colours or traits to make it more appealing to other players, traits will show your personality to players whom never meet you in-game. Good luck.
You don't meet the requirements. This is legit your only message. I hate it when people sign up only to apply. So... no support.
No support. Your application could use a lot more information including but not limited to: Traits, Supporting detail, and a lot more experience. You've been on forums for a short amount of time with 1 message, and that message being your application. Also look at accepted applications for inspiration. Good luck.
No support, sorry. Please improve the things below. You don't use the right template. You aren't using the right template, if you don't use it, your application will be ignored. Grammatical errors. I've seen alot of grammatical errors, also change the "i'll" into an "I'll". Lack of detail. You should add way more detail in the future. GOOD LUCK!