Neutral.I've never seen you online in game before even though we have the same timezone.I would love to see you online! I have seen you many times on forums .BTW Change your text,I have to squint my eyes to see the words ;)
I'm on quite a bit. I just haven't been on the past few days. I was on today, briefly, to make sure everything was okay, and to check on if there was anyone to report. I have seen you online, earlier this week, on Skyblock. It's just my recent inactivity. I look forward to coming back, without interruption! As for the text, Id like to keep it the way it is. It's formal, applicable and professional. I've taken into consideration. Thank you for the response! I digggg
I've already stated and went over this. This is how I genuinely am. I'm a nice, kind-hearted person. My rudeness comes in spurts, and I've been toning it down for awhile now. I've apologized to people who I have disrespected and have been rude to. I've been trying to pay back to them the respect they've deserved from me, in the first place. Most times have been out of despite, of myself, not the other player. I understand that is very childish, but I have been trying to make everything right. I am not only nice when applying.
^^^^^^ I don't want to be over protective but it's true. If you're a friend of masa you'll understand that she's not rude to everybody and rude 24/7.
No support Although my opinion might not have as much power as the rest though, so here we go. Although im starting to play again, I'm active on forums, and i can see some qualities in you that I don't think is good for the mineverse team. My reasons have already been stated above. Good luck
100% changing to support. You are outgoing and willing to talk to people. Although you maybe not be nice at times, I think you'd still make a great mod as you do have the knowledge. Happy you could change my mind. Kylie rules <3