my in game name is chadragon and the person who banned me was called Alix. the full message was: scamming, appeal i was banned on sky block, but i did not read the rules until after i got banned. i have never banned on mineverse before and the reason i got banned cause i scammed, and put up a lucky chest with string in it for $500. The reason i did this was because i have been scammed by two lucky chests before and i wanted to get my money back. i also wanted payback but at the time i did not realize it would hurt the people who did nothing to me and that it would change their experience, trust, and their confidence in the server. i know what i did was wrong and i accept my punishment but in my outside world i have little to no friends one of the reasons being cause i tuned a kid in for drugs, now not many people like me any more, and minecraft servers and its people have brought me more friendship than i ever had. if you do accept my appeal i will be sure never to pull another scam again and to all the people i hurt i am more sorry than ever. ~chadragon
Complete this form (copy & paste it) to your appeal post. Please be sure to post your ban appeal in the correct section. If you lie or don't follow this form, your appeal will not be considered. In the title write: [<Person who banned you>] Your in game name In-game name: Full exact Ban Message: Game mode banned on: [Kit PvP, factions etc] Did you read the rules ? Why do YOU think you were banned? Was this an incorrect ban? Were you ever banned before on Mineverse? If so, what for? Why do you think you should be unbanned?