Hello all, If you haven't noticed, my account was banned, then deleted for no reason at all. Let me explain: There was a closed thread recently concerning a prison outbreak (ha, just noticed the pun there). I made a comment expressing rude names towards Cypriot which included multiple callings of idiot towards Cypriot. Now, If we want to go technical, all I was saying is he was ignorant (since Idiot is a synonym of ignoramus which is calling the person ignorant or stupid which ignorant is lacking knowledge of some kind) and was leading the server down a hill of ignorance. Now, what did I get? A 7 day ban for disrespect on the forums I assume. Which technically either Nanurz quoted the wrong thread concerning infractions for disrespect or the thread concerning 7 day ban punishment for disrespect is non-existant. (Disrespect 3 day mute - 1 day temp ban - 3 day temp ban - 1 week temp ban Escalation can be dodged based on the severity of the disrespect. Disrespect includes inflammatory, rude, and uncalled for comments towards another user on the forums) Now, after around 3 days I was completely deleted from Mineverse. No trace of me by myself existed. I feel as though I was harshly treated for one post. I have never been banned on forums and only once have I been banned (I don't call the ban from Cypriot for resigning a in-game ban) which the ban I actually got was a false ban. For someone who has followed the rules so much, its a bit disrespectful to ban him for one misunderstanding of a comment. Yeah, I was steaming off and took to rage on Cypriot, that was on my fault, but a 7 day ban plus a deletion of a account for that comment? Seems the moderators are taking everything to the extreme by that event. Yeah I'll apologize for making a alt account, yeah I'll apologize for the comment which needed to be said in a nicer way. But, I feel as though the mods (or even Cypriot for crying out loud) took it a bit extreme when punishing me for my comment. If I could get a simple or complex explanation on why this happened that would be fantastic. I also made this in the general section due to I wanted people to know what happened to me if people were curious of my account being gone.
I will first tell you that this was in no decision of the moderators, nor head moderators. This was Cypriot's decision. He is the owner of the server, he can make calls and decisions like that. Not me, or any of the staff team have a way of handling this, it's his call. If you wish for reasoning and/or to talk about the situation— you'll just have to become in contact with him.
Well thank you for letting me know of that, if there's anyway of me contacting him within a week (I'll be away next week for a good awhile from technology) let me know. But I do appreciate the answer, thanks. Well, you see the first punishment to disrespect is a mute, I went to a straight week ban first. Eh, well, maybe there's something we don't know is going on.
Everyone over staff manger can do what they want without punishment, don't bother trying to state the rules and what they say. Sorry about your account.
The co-owner of the network decided to delete your account. It's beyond anything a head mod can do. While I have the perms I would never take such action without direct orders from the owner or request from the user. As for your situation, making threads like these won't help it much. If I were you I would message him privately or make a ban appeal of sorts. Not asking for your old deleted account back but rather requesting a second chance on this new account. Best of luck to you. Closing this.