I'll be blunt. I've always wanted a rank on Mineverse, but I am unfortunately unable to get one due to my parents. They have a problem with buying online things. I've always wanted to support Mineverse because its one of the best and friendliest community out there. So I was hoping if anyone who is reading this thread would be willing to get me MVP. MVP: You just made my entire day, probably month Elite: I will luv you and give you hugs and kisses. Supreme: Speechless* I will absolutely luv you forever! (Probs no one would do this for me :<) Thank you for reading my thread~
Probably might want to add some in game stuff or money to this. Also @Scorvix move this to right section?
Moved. Also @Sir Jason , you might want to offer some in game items for a rank. That's how I got the donor rank God. Here's the link to show you what I'm talking about. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/am...upreme-god-upgrade-with-video-evidence.56678/ Another way to get a donor rank is to win Top Voter of the Month. You automatically get MVP, then you get a rank upgrade +1.
I am so sorry for the inconvenience I caused, but none the less Thank you for telling me how to get MVP. You may lock the thread. @Scorvix