I'm not sure if this has been posted anywhere else but I'll just post this here MVP Commands Factions: Access to /hat Access to /me Access to /ptime Access to /feed Access to /kittycannon Ability to set 2 homes. Ability to use &(0-9)(a-e) color codes to chat in colors. Join server if full. Access to /kit mvp: 1x Full Iron Armour Set. [Protection II] 1x Diamond Sword [Sharpness II, Fire Aspect I, Knockback II] 6x EnderPearls 8x Steak (24 hour cooldown) Survival: Access to /hat Access to /ptime Access to /me Access to /clear Access to /feed Access to /kittycannon Ability to set 2 warps. Ability to use &(0-9)(a-e) color codes to chat in colors. Access to /kit mvp: 1x Full Iron Armour set. [Protection II, Blast Protection II] 1x Full Iron Tool set. [Efficiency II, Unbreaking II] 1x Iron Sword [Sharpness II, Fire Aspect I] (Include Pickaxe, Shovel, & Axe) (24 hour cooldown) KitPvP: Access to /hat Access to /me Access to /ptime Access to /feed Access to /kittycannon Ability to use &(0-9)(a-e) color codes to chat in colors. Access to /kit mvp: 1x full set of Iron Armour. [Protection II] 1x Iron Sword [Sharpness II, Fire Aspect I, Knockback II] 1x Bow [Punch III, Flame I, Power III] 6x Enderpearls (15 minute cooldown) Prison: Access to /ptime Access to /hat Access to /back Access to /kittycannon Access to /me Access to /feed Access to /clear Ability to set 2 homes. Ability to use color codes. Access to /kit mvp: Full Iron Armour 1x Diamond Pickaxe 1x Diamond Axe 256x XP Bottles (24 hour cooldown) Skygrid: Access to /hat Access to /ptime Access to /near Access to /me Access to /back Access to /workbench Access to /feed Access to /kittycannon Ability to use color codes. Access to /kit mvp: 24x Iron Ingot 1x Diamond Pickaxe [Efficiency 1] 96x Redstone 128x Cobblestone (24 hour cooldown) Creative: Claim an extra creative plot! Access to /speed Access to /ptime Access to /clearinventory Access to /kittycannon Access to /me Access to /firework Access to /tp Skyblock: Access to /hat Access to /me Access to /ptime Access to /feed Access to /kittycannon Ability to set 2 warps. Ability to use &(0-9)(a-e) color codes to chat in colors. Access to /kit mvp: 12x Iron Ingot 48x Redstone 192x Cobblestone 10x Grass Blocks (24 hour cooldown) Skywars: Access to /kit mvp: $70 in-game money to use at /shop. (24 hour cooldown) OpPvP: Access to /hat Access to /me Access to /ptime Access to /feed Access to /kittycannon Ability to use &(0-9)(a-e) color codes to chat in colors. Access to /kit mvp: 1x Stick [Knockback 15] 1x Diamond Sword [Sharpness 15] 1x Blaze Rod [Fire Aspect 10] (15 minute cooldown) Infection: Access to /kit mvpXP: 20x XP Bottles (18 hour cooldown) And access to /kit mvp: 1x Diamond Helmet. 1x Iron ChestPlate. 1x Diamond Leggings. 1x Diamond Boots. 1x Iron Sword. [Sharpness II, Fire Aspect I] (5 minute cooldown)
Lol, why did you have to urge to post this? Just say "TO ANYBODY WANTING TO KNOW WHAT COMES WITH YOUR DONATION RANK! DO /BUY IN-GAME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF" Then put a smilely after it and it seems polite