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  • - MV Staff Review -

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by GizzBots, Jan 31, 2015.

    1. GizzBots

      GizzBots Well-Known Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      @PrincessPayne - You need to learn what hacks are, and get proper proof before banning.

      @FadedChristi - You need to look into the background of who you're banning and decide whether they actually deserve an unban.

      @ScoFu13 - 10/10, best PLAYER in general.

      @Firo3000 - You're a good mod, but I still think you need to learn where punishments are due, and when not. Also, you need to set boundaries, and not contradict yourself.

      @fryzigg - I've never seen you do anything wrong. You're still young, but you're doing a bloody good job..

      @Yin - I like the fact that even though(in my opinion) you chose the most boring servers ever to moderate that you're still active. Keep it up.

      More coming soon.
    2. OffTask

      OffTask Well-Known Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      I like my self:t:
    3. Musezeta

      Musezeta Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2014
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      @ScoFu13 You work very hard both in game and on the forums trying to maintain a calm and friendly environment for the players. I feel intimidated by you at times though, as if you'd rather be off dealing with other matters. Maybe I'm crazy or maybe it's your inner Bane that hasn't given me permission to not fear you.

      @Firo3000 When you were apart of the non-staff community you tried your hardest to reach your goal of becoming mod. Now that you've reached that goal, I feel like your dissatisfied with it. You post a lot of very deep stuff, mainly negative from initial appearance. You do a good job though and I'm glad that you're on the team.

      @PandaBear__ You put up with a lot of my reports along with Taylor and I thank you for it. I put you on a level of trust with ScoFu, just being less scary than him. :>

      @Taylor You're very helpful whenever I have a question or submit a report. I like talking to you in game and I hope you continue to do a great job.

      @fryzigg Always kind to every player whenever I see you in game. Don't have much to say because you only ever stay on the servers I play for a brief period of time. Keep up the good work.

      @canucksfan44 I'd rather you be a Leafs fan seeing that I like the Hawks. Just kidding. You seem to be one of those moderators that are always active and busy both on the forums and in-game but I never see (apart from recently). You do a great job though.

      @HeyitsAlexa Although I have only ever seen you once in game and never talked to you, I always see you on the forums (late at night for me) viewing and posting in threads. Your love for Infected really does stand out and I hope you continue to moderate for the server :)

      As for the other mods, I simply have never had the chance to meet but I'm sure each do an excellent job in their respected areas.
    4. Alan

      Alan Experienced Member

      Jan 19, 2015
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      You just gave me a hit list. ;)
    5. GizzBots

      GizzBots Well-Known Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      @PandaBear__ - Panda, I thought you were a really good mod until recently. I don't want to sound negative, and I believe you are still a valuable staff member, but recently I've witnessed you make some really stupid mistakes such as abusing F Admin perms to raid my faction. I'm surprised you still haven't learnt your boundaries, but meh.
      @VaMeSa123 - I think you've been lacking in activity recently, but despite that when you're online you brighten up the community and I believe you still have a purpose on the staff team. You handle most of my reports, and I thank you for that.
      @Taylor - I don't see you around much, but when I do, you're always cool. Also, you're one of the nicest people around. I mean, you bought me an optifine cape for no reason and you 'tease' me about my accent(I kid, I kid). I think you're a really genuine person, so keep up the good work.
      @HeyitsAlexa - considering which gamemodes you chose to moderate, I think you equally divide your time across all gamemodes. I always enjoy logging on and seeing you online, and I think you're a great addition to the staff team.
      @canucksfan44 - I very rarely see you around. I don't see much of you on the forums either, but I know you because you've banned me before.
    6. Ziipper

      Ziipper Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2014
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    7. Van

      Van Boss Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      @Agent Android Agent I haven't really met you in-game. What I've heard you need to become more active on the server and start to Moderate more, but I understand everyone need a break sometimes, you may not be enable to get on the computer and come in-game. It could also be our timezones. Anyway I think you are a great Moderator.

      @Badlerner You are a great nice Moderator what I've seen from in-game and forum. You are pretty active on the server and are doing your job very good. You know the rules pretty well. To be honest I can't understand why so many players think that you can't moderate. This is my option.

      @canucksfan44 To be honest with you, I think you are fantastic as a Moderator. You are one of the oldest Moderator left. You know the rules very well. You are kind, helpful and fun, but I would like to see you a bit more in-game since you are a Global Moderator. Even though Mineverse is a pretty big server.

      @FadedChristi Faded, you are a very kind and helpful Moderator. You know the rules very well as well. You can see if someone are hacking. You are active as much as you can. What more can I say? You are a great Moderator I'm glad that you are in the d´staff team.

      @Firo3000 Firo you have been on Mineverse for a while. You are active as much as you can. You are helpful, kind and fun to play with. You have some hard times but it won't get out to the players. You are very mature. I'm very glad that you got re-promoted and are back to the staff team. You are one of the best Moderators I know.

      @fryzigg Fry, you are my nub cat. I was with you a bit before you got promoted to Moderator. You are very active on the server, you are nice and helpful also fun to play with. You are taking care of most of my reports. I hope to play with you soon ;p

      @Furyion You may not see this, but if you do, you are a great Moderator. Pretty old on Mineverse. You are doing your job great. I can't really say more since you aren't that much on forum or Mineverse but it isn't your fault since you are in the military. Hope you get back soon!

      @HeyitsAlexa Well you seems like a nice, active and helpful player what I've seen from Infection. I also met you sometimes on Survival for a while ago. What I remember from that you was fun and nice. I'm glad that you got promoted since you are doing your job good.

      @Javiasor You are our Mineverse builder. You are doing your job great. You are nice and mature in-game. You could be a bit more active on forum, but I know you have a life and need to do some stuff so yeah. You deserve some breaks.

      @KatoKillsMyGPA I think I've seen you one time on Kitpvp, but when I was there you were pretty active and helpful. I would like to see you a bit more active on forum, even though you may be bussy in real life.

      @larrythebird101 You are a good Moderator on Mineverse. You are active as much as you can. You are Moderator on another server as well, so you can't do everything here. When I have seen you in-game you are helpful and nice. You are taking care of my reports sometimes. I'm glad that you got promoted here.

      @Lola Perez Lola. You are one of this old Moderators on Mineverse. You know the rules very well. You don't care in-game if someone are immature to you in-game. You are very helpful and nice. I have never see you be immature or breaking any rules. I'm glad that you are still on Mineverse and moderate. When you was on Prison you did f5 to see if someone used contraband. Very smart.

      @PandaBear__ I haven't really met you and talked with you that much in-game. I have seen you on Op pvp sometimes. What I have seen you are active, kind, and helpful. You know what to do. You know the rules in my option. You can be fun to play with but you can also take your job seriously when needed.

      @PrincessPayne You are a very nice player! I'm glad that I met you in-game. You are fun to play around with. You can be seriously when needed. You know your job. I would like to see you a bit more active on forum. Sorry but its true. :( But still you are active when you can. I know you aren't enable to get on a computer always.

      @quickflame I haven't really much to say about you. What I know I haven't see you in-game. I think you are a great player and can moderate. I would like to see you more on your gamemodes that you are moderating on also I would like to see you a bit more active on forum. Yes it may be timezones.

      @rachetclanks You have been here for a bit now. You know the rules. You are taking your job seriously, you know what to do. You active as much as you can. I would like to know what happend with forum? I haven't seen you that much on forum longer.

      @ScoFu13 Scofu you are one of this old Moderators. You are a Head-Moderator which mean that you know what to do. I know you have a life. You aren't always enable to be on in-game but you have a job. You are very active on forum. When you are in-game you are very helpful and kind. Also fun to play with. You are taking your job seriously.

      @Taylor Taylor I haven't seen you in-game for a while. I know you are active on forum and helpful. I think last time I saw you was on oppfactions with larry. I would like to see you more in-game but it may be our timezones and sometimes you may not be enable to a computer.

      @tin15cro I'm so happy that you got promoted. You are very active on Prison. You are my best friend. I know you are sick right now so you can't be as active on forum and in-game. You are taking care with almost all my Prison reports. So yeah. You are active, fun, helpful, taking your job seriously. I remember when you first got promoted and asked me how to prison ;p but now you can Prison very well.

      @VaMeSa123 I see you a lot on Op pvp. What I know you are active and nice. You know the rules, you are doing your job very good. You are always open to talk with players.

      @Yin I haven't talked with you what I know, but what I have seen you are active on your gamemodes. You know the rules. You have been on forum for a while. You could be a bit more active but as I said it may be timezones you may not be enable to join a computer everyday.
    8. Cryptic

      Cryptic Experienced Member

      Dec 26, 2014
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      When I quit this server for 5 months and came back, there was an entirely new staff team, me only remembering these players: mineterria, IN1NJAI, Ducky_Puppy, thorraks, Buntobaga, flare_snuggles, UncleUrnesto, RisingComet. I have come back and have met all the new players and staff, although I think the mods are slightly disappointing. I'll start with the good mods.
      Canucks: Very nice and responsible staff member, one of the best I know.
      PrincessPayne: I know her from school and she is very nice and active. She may be new but I think she will stay with us for a long time.
      Firo: He is like most mods on this server, trying to fit in and go with most people's opinions like a sheep. He does his job but doesn't have a mind of his own.
      HeyItsAlexa: She is active and nice, and does her job well.
      Panda: She does her job well especially when banning hackers, although sometimes bias.
      Badlerner: Same as firo
      Scofo: I have known him since prison first came out and he has always acted mature and responsible. He is the best staff member on the server.
      I would like to give a special great thanks to maxnina10 for banning so many hackers. He is the second best mod I know that has ever existed.
    9. Ozzy

      Ozzy Experienced Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      @ScoFu13 a very nice man who always wants to help people and make the community better for everyone and works hard
      @PandaBear__ Very nice person in general ever since she got mod she worked very hard

      @Firo3000 Very interactive with other players and makes the community better

      @VaMeSa123 Very Inactive but i guess shes good but im still mad cause it takes for ever for her to say no to my ban appeal

      @quickflame very nice and helps gets hackers banned and is very nice to people. ( I still remember he said something in chat when he was gone it was like Lol and when he typed Hi Cyp he was a mod )

      @rachetclanks OMG he was my friend from a long time ago he is very nice cares about other people and makes me feel happy he is one of out mods
    10. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      Ohh, Ares is going to have some fun!
      (Read everything before you judge me as a bad person, there are some good reviews)

      Agent Android - Terrible Moderator. You're never online, heck nobody knew you were a Survival Moderator until you actually showed up for the first time in what? 2 Months? You're abusive over your powers which I've seen in videos that @Conor Walton took of you. Also, were you really about to ban someone without evidence? .. You don't pay attention to the chat either. I've seen people spam the chat/swearing when you did nothing. Your excuse was ''I didn't see it''.... Scroll up? HELLO! Wake up dude. (I have evidence of this if you don't believe me)

      Badlerner - You're.. An odd one. You continue to be a starting staff member. Afraid to judge somebody or make the wrong call. I don't like you. I just don't, it's without reason. I can't stand the fact you think you're important when you're not even being a good staff member. (Not always, you have your good moments which I like)

      canucksfan44 - You're a staff member I like! You've been around for a while. You aren't 100% active but you make up for that. You handle reports properly and if you aren't sure what to do, you ask another staff member for advice.
      Keep up the good work!

      CypriotMerks - Just like I rated you in bed lastnight, a C. :I

      FadedChristi - When you're online I usualy see you viewing Portal Index. You handle reports which I like, but if you could do this daily, that'd be wonderful.

      Firo3000 - You're not the best, but I can see you are capable of improving yourself. At first your judgement was a bit off. But you're making up for this by being more of a community type of guy. STAY ON THE STAFF TEAM

      fryzigg - Active at first, now you're roaming around. It's not the timezone it's you. You were a fun and active person at first fryzigg. I want that girl back.

      Furyion - Serve us well, sir.

      HeyitsAlexa - You're that spark of hope in the staff team keeping me on Mineverse. Stay on the staff team please, you're important.

      Javiasor - Let me build with you dammit. :c

      KatoKillsMyGPA - Nope.

      larrythebird101 - Same as FadedChristi.

      Lola Perez - Gurrrl, be more active or bye ;-;

      Noobcrew - You're a noob.

      PandaBear__ - Nope.

      PrincessPayne - Stay on the staff team. ;-; I'll cry if you leave, also, where is my cookie?

      quickflame - Get out or do something.

      rachetclanks -Nope.

      ScoFu13 -#ScoFu13ForAdmin2015

      Taylor - Just like larrythebird101 and FadedChristi.

      [URL='[url][url]http://www.mineverse.com/members/tin15cro.9131/'][/url][/url]tin15cro[/URL] - You're a single guard. Date me. <edited>
      VaMeSa123 - Nope.

      Yin - Eh... Nope.

      If I've given a staff member nope,
      it means I can't describe how much I dislike them.

      Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2015
    11. Badlerner

      Badlerner Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2014
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      lol this guy.
    12. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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    13. Vamp

      Vamp Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2015
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      Can't take criticism I see.
    14. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      If this thread gets closed for giving out his opinion :lol:
    15. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      Maybe if they pick their game up and not taking it as a joke.
    16. Ohmic

      Ohmic Legendary Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Why would it get closed?

      You're just stating your review on each or some Staff Members. This thread is not breaking any rules in any sort of way.
    17. herobineanator

      herobineanator Experienced Member

      Apr 2, 2014
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      scofu- hes rly scary hiding in the shadows on prison :OO
    18. LIONEYE

      LIONEYE Experienced Member

      Dec 9, 2014
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      I've only seen a few staff members in my time, since I am very new.

      @Taylor - You are nice, I like you, and I often see you online. You are kind and handle reports well.

      @larrythebird101 - You are the one who banned me on another server. I honestly can't blame you, since I was advertising. But you seem okay, keep it up (I guess)
    19. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      I'm trying to be active, but with all the problems I'm going through my life it's not that easy.
    20. SavageTM

      SavageTM Well-Known Member

      Feb 14, 2014
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