Level: 29 Highest Score: 27k IGN: мν☢ ᴀɴᴛɪℋα✕◎ℜ (I'm adding the mv if I get accepted) Age (not needed): Skype (not needed): Do I use bots: No
Level: 27 Highest score: Around 49k. IGN: Electric Age (not needed): 13 Skype (not needed): (blank) Are you using bots: No, I can't bother using it.
Lvl:39 Highest Score: 62 k or somewhere around:P Age:(don't need) Skype:(Don't have,or mc so don't matter) Bots:No but I don't mind playing with people that do :P
Level: idk Highest score: 2 IGN: B@Y1$F@B Age (not needed): idek Skype (not needed): no Are you using bots: ? im rlly good at playing tho.
Level: 84 Highest score: 43k IGN: Cosmic Age (not needed): Skype (not needed): Are you using bots: Lol no
Level: 87 Highest score: 294k IGN:cyrusrock2 Age (not needed):13 Skype (not needed): Are you using bots:sometimes