My in game name is Eggymuffins, and on mineverse they recently banned the word muffin for some reason, so people cant type in my name, and i cant be invited to factions etc.
This is because 'muff'' is blocked by the chat filter, this happens to many people and can cause a large amount of problems. A way to fix this is changing your in-game name but that is only if you want to :/
Try having people writing "Eggy" instead of your full name. It automatically searches for the full name and enters it, and I have seen this work for others who have their name chat-filtered.
There is unfortunately nothing that can be done about this, unless you change your name - as it's due to the server's anti-swear. You could just get the players to type "Eggy", like what @Dark Moon said
Also try different variations of your name as some commands can be shortened EG. Muf or Mu might work in some commands Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk