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  • MrCreeper5694's application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by MrCreeper5694, Jan 4, 2015.



    1. Support! :)

      2 vote(s)
    2. There are some things you could improve on.

      1 vote(s)
    1. MrCreeper5694

      MrCreeper5694 Active Member

      Sep 22, 2014
      Likes Received:
      IGN: MrCreeper5694

      Age: 14

      What rank are you applying for: Moderator

      What server am i applying for?: survival and factions.

      Why you deserve to become staff: I believe you should pick me because I have many experiences being a staff. I know the commands a staff must know. I know the rules and I'm never going to break any of them. I will always help people if they are in need.

      Have you ever been banned?: no, I always follow the rules so i have nothing to fear :)

      Past experiences:
      - I have owned two different servers. If anyone wants proof I'll give the ip, but only if requested by staff, because i don't want to advertise.
      - so i have basically better knowledge about how to run a server than almost anyone else applying, not to make my self superior or anything

      How long can you play a day: 3-5 hours a day (more on weekends ;))

      A little more information about myself:
      - I have always found that being honest, rather than lying, is the best option, so you can expect me to be a very honest person.
      - I always, treat people with respect, and usually earn respect in return.


      What would you do if someone spammed multiple times?:spam:: I would kick them and tell them to stop /kick <name> Spamming

      What would you do if someone advertised?: I would kick them (to warn them) and if they did it again I would ban them /ban <name> Advertising

      What would you do if someone was hacking?: I would first temp ban them for a day, then ban them (because i think everyone deserves a warning :))

      What would you do if someone was asking for ranks?: I would tell them that the application forums are @ mineverse.com/forum

      What would you do if someone was being disrespectful to others?: I would mute them or kick them /kick <name> Bad language.

      I hope you like my application and I would love to help the server! ;)
      Last edited: Jan 4, 2015

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