I find it really annoying how you can only do extremely basic stuff with world edit. I don't understand why they don't allow water, it just makes building really tedious . At least let us use //copy and paste, iv found myself creating the same statue over and over again when if we had commands like //copy we could copy and paste a building and save time. It would really help full if you let us use the Brush command, iv had really good ideas for building but i can't do it because i can't terraform mountains and hills etc. It really is stupid on how limited the world edit, it's just limiting the potential for awesome builds. Thanks for reading till the end.
some of these commands are currently disabled to the fact that they aren't safe to use because of bugs yet. //paste could be used on other people's plots, which hasn't been patched yet.
Both brush (and I assume paste) were removed because they could be used on things like the roads / the plots. If we can fix this though I would be very happy to have thone though. Support