I personally find that the mods do not have nearly enough permissions in game . I think that mods should at least get /vanish or /v or /offline or anything really essential to the the mod life. In a kit pvp matter, mods tp to hackers and since the hackers see the mods flying around then toggle off and stuff like that but if mods had /v or /offline no one would be able to see them so it would be much easier for them to catch hackers and stuff More staff places. I didn't really know how to word this but. I basically mean like more staff like ex; "Helper" Or "Admins" or even "Trial-" I personally think that would mean that their would be more staff which would mean more help in game and on forums which overall would make a better gaming experience
I like the more staff ranks. I think it would give a chance for people that are not fully trusted by Cyp, to have "Helper" Or "Trial-Mod". Something that @TannerLittle could figure out. For the /vanish or /offline, it could be easily abused. Sorry :/ Support for the Staff Ranks No support for the /vanish
I've always wanted to see different staff ranks like: Trial-Jr-Mod-Senior-Head-Admin but I don't think it's going to happen. :/ No support for /v .
I like the idea of more staff ranks. I can see why /v is necessary, but I'd want it added if moderators were to only use it when trying to catch a hacker or so. No reason for mods to just be able to hide in /v when players need them.
I've wanted to see Helper > Mod > SrMod > Head-Mod > Dev > Admin > Co Owner > Owner It most likely would never happen though as Alex said. No support for the /v I'm not blaming anyone but it could be abused easily even on accident if we forgot to turn it off.
I like the idea of the new ranks, but for the /v I could really use this because I get a lot of messages saying a person is hacking so I tp to them and see if they are just to find they aren't. So I think that maybe after a min of /v it un vanishes you?
Vanish honestly needs to happen. I'm aware it's trust based, but maybe you should trust the mods a bit more? They'll eventually be caught if abusing their powers.
I agree with the /vanish part, it would help mods stay hidden. No support for the staff places, yet Trial Mod could be useful.