I have been playing on this server now for almost 3 years... When I play mineverse I only play Op PvP. When I am always playing, I never see mods on OpPvP... My suggestion is to make some mods move to OpPvP or make new mods for those people who play OpPvP a lot.. On OpPvP there are a lot of hackers that mineverse needs to ban.. It would be way easier if there would be a mod on to help. Thanks for your attention and maybe you are accepting my suggestion ;)
There's already a thread on this... It's the same response usually. Us, mods, are people. We usually like to play the server as well as moderate. And although it may be frustrating to have to deal with so many hackers, it's just a matter of whether there's a mod who happens to be playing the same gamemode at the same time. If you need us, feel free to /gmsg us, or, you can do your part (if you can) and record the hackers, and get them banned quicker! I don't think moderators should be confined or limited to one gamemode, and think that they were made global for a valid reason. I'm afraid I'll be going with a no support.
thx @Elliot but if no one would deal with the hackers then im open to deal with them.. i wanna make mineverse better and I understand that you guys also want your free time but you guys are also Mods and need to help the server.. If no one wants to help Op PvP then I would do it if I would become a Mod...
Moderators do play on OPPvP, as it's popular for the rule-breakers... It's just when. I understand hackers are a problem, but we do help the server in many ways -- whether you see us in-game or not ;) Also, you can apply to become a moderator, providing you meet the requirements.
We do as much as we can, you may not see us doing is as ban messages are not public. If there are no mods on, feel free to make a report.
i know @Elliot that is my goal! But like you said I have to meet the requirements.. But it is my goal ;)
People apply for the tag "Global Moderator." Choosing 2 game modes to moderate is no longer accepted. So with that tag they need to cover all game modes and assist other players when they are in need. It is at their choice which game modes they moderate in their time. In conclusion, mods shouldn't be forced to only moderate one game mode. No support. P.S. To answer your question for Elliot. If you are using gyazo for a screenshot. It must be full one. Cropped ones are NOT accepted. As for gifs as hacker evidence. They are not accepted anymore.
We only accept videos for evidence against people hacking. I tend to stick to OP PvP when I am in-game and I usually achieve a few hours of moderating on their on my own. I ban a few hackers here and there, when they are called out. I honestly find the players of OP PvP worse than the hackers. You guys are extremely toxic and rude towards us when we are there to help you. Calling us out of being terrible mods isn't going to motivate us to continue to help you. If you can get the whole community of OP PvP to stop the constant harassment towards mods, then maybe we will become more active on there and stop to help out more, but currently that is not the case.
Thx @TradeOffer but I'm very glad when a mod is on Op Pvp.. and im trying to never be mean to members of staff people.. I know that there are many rood people but you just have to live with that.. Just don't listen to them. You guys are all doing a great job of baning hackers
Yeah. To be honest, I enjoy being on KitPvP and OPPvP to moderate, and I do a fair amount of banning, and helping out there. So from a personal level, I think it's already a challenge for me to bridge the gap in between Asian-Australian timezones. About your suggestion, no support, because we are Global Moderators now and there's no "choose two gamemodes to moderate" thing anymore.