Spleef If you do not know what spleef is. Spleef is a Fun Minigame.. Jokes Spleef is a Minigame where you try trapping players using shovels or long raged snowballs to make them fall into the Edge of the World. It is not very complicated, there must be 3-4 Stations. The Final Station/Stage is where You should be aware, Because if you fall, you will fall to death :O TNT Run If you do not know what TNT run is Tnt Run is where you run on gravel with pressure plates and underneath is Tnt, So whenever you run, blocks behind you fall, the goal is to survive until all the players are gone, and your the only one left, Soo yeah. Can also get to have 3-4 Stations and like Spleef, In the final station/stage, you shall be aware because if you fall, you loose. Hide and Seek If you do not know what Hide and Seek is Hide and Seek is where you hide as a block and the server picks, who shall be the seeker, there may be 5 blocks to be chosen (Note: Owners, This does not need to be this blocks, it is just popular used hiding blocks) Beacon, Flower Pot, Tnt block, Crafting Table. Guys, Thats it, If ever the owners need help building the maps? Contact me. [email protected] Kindly Regards ~Uni
I agree with him. Like we could make a version of spleef. Here is an example: "Salad Spleef", you are inside a bowl and there is different types of things inside the bowl (Lettuce, tomatoes, olives, etc) that give you power ups. For example, olives=speed and lettuce=criticals. Just a thought
1. Remove the not used servers (See /glist) 2. Think of original games 3. See who likes what 4. Stabilize and install 5 Anti cheat plugins. Anti spam plugins. Anti hackbot plugin. List of mods ur allowed to use. (And so on.)