Do you find annoying the server ads that pop up daily and spam the chat? Have you wished people on Minecraft were spending their time building and not blabbering about all kinds of irrelevant stuff because they can't do anything else? Does it bothers you that you have spent 250$ on Titan so you can enjoy the tranquility of building while in /vanish, only to have it ruined by people who are stalking you? If you answered yes to any of the above, support this post and ask from the admins to disable the chat in the lobby. All the problems that are mentioned here are caused by players who log on to the server only to chat/spam and they do that with Minechat. These players can do literally nothing but chat & commands and a lot of people get very annoying when they are bored and start spamming useless stuff in the chat. Mineplex has solved this problem by disabling the chat in the lobby, if you can't move to join a server then you can't talk, and that is making Minechat useless and stops the majority the server ads, problem solved.
So, you are suggesting that while in lobby, you have to move in order to chat? But then, couldn't the people advertising just move also?
Sorry for the late reply my browser is funny today. The people who advertise wont be able to use minechat which is the most common method of advertising but they will be forced to use an actual client. Disabling the chat in lobby wont stop everyone but it will prevent a great amount of them.
People should be allowed to talk about what they want. That is what Minechat is for!! But I'm all for new tactics on how to stop advertising.