Your ingame name: kittycraft3497 The offender's exact ingame name: Moooose A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect. I am going to apologize about cursing in one or more screenshot right now, cause what they were saying things that really had upset me and I did cry because of some of the things they were saying. There are other players who are doing it as well but I will report them later on although I could just add them in... but don't feel like doing so right now. Moooose has been one of many people from a group who have been harassing me now more and more players all from mineverse are joining in on this. they are nonstop $h!t talking on skype,in game and adding me to group calls. making in side jokes about me calling me a "ex pokemon" because one person who I thought was my friend end up being one of the people who are talking bad about me the reason being I really don't know why he is to be honest. but he showed these people a picture of a pokemon snap back I have and decided to put to things together, pokemon and me just getting out of a relationship making me a ex girlfriend that it's so smart to call me a ex pokemon girl. if you don't understand still Ex girlfriend pokemon is much easier to understand what their saying about me. Moooose would come online and start to /msg me things like "I gotta catch them all! do you have the E X pokemone????" "I thought we were talking about the e x pokemon cards!". really immature things like that.... and I would tell her what do you get out of this? and she just reply again with "I thought we were talking about pokemon cards!" on and on and on nonstop. at first it was them spamming me "I like that pokemon hat" "Oh I like that pokemon hat". >-> like what? I didn't understand and I was wondering how theses people know about a hat I have and I didn't have them on skype for them to know and I haven't told them anything about it. so I started wondering and found out their saying all this Sh!t about me cause of one girl who I told "off" for doing something to my friend who I think of as a little sister.... I just called her Two Faced cause she was acting as if she cared about my friend's feelings but didn't at all. I really really don't understand how she thinks she's getting anywhere with this at all. to be honest their all are going to get bite in the butt by karma cause this is cyber bullying and if I want to I can so the cops all the things they are saying and I don't want to do that so lets see if their going to learn from me just reporting them to the server that their doing this on. Thank you for reading all this I hope this as least deals with this one person and the rest stop. Evidence/full screenshots. this one is me telling my brother what their saying about me please don't get confused and think he's being rude to me he isn't.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
***************************************************** @StrKillr You cannot accept these screenshots, they're cropped. He's trying to hide the logo in the top left corner by cropping it. Unban them.
Yes they are, look at where the + sign is that is supposed to be in the middle of the screen. It's way up the top of the photo. They cropped it vertically. EDIT: They deleted the photos, now there's no evidence...