So I just got unbanned today for kitpvp after my friend get my account banned for hacking so i went on the new kitpvp and started to play then i tried to go onto the second kitpvp and it says i am banned The Ban Hammer Has Spoken can someone help me
that ban is by Noobcrew, only he can take off the ban but since you do have like 30 bans for hacking im not sure if you should be unbanned or not.
Take responsibility for letting this friend of yours use your account. Just wondering but why did you even have a hacked client downloaded for him/her to use?
Moved to the 'help' section. If NoobCrew or Cypriot perm banned you, the chances of you being unbanned are slim. Also, why did someone else have access to your account? If someone else had access to your account and they got you banned, that's your fault.
Well, hacking really isn't the way. Also a ban by CypriotMerks and Noobcrew can only be withdrawn by them. So your chances are quite low now unless you can come up with a pretty good story to them. Also letting a friend go onto your account... really? Some advice: NEVER give your friend(s) your account.
Regardless, a ban is a ban. It all adds up in the end. All you can do is appeal and hope for the best.
Ohhh. So, your "friend" got your account banned. Guess you should unban him them @Noobcrew , it was his friend! Please.
Elliot lol you are the stupidest person on the world i dont admit to hacking but the last 3 bans were not me lol 3 people have access to my account because i trust them so much and skype for atleast 5 hours so if you think im lying lol go ahead why the would i care about what your dumb thinks
Btw for you kid you are a funny i hope you get banned for being a <edit> head plus all the bans i get on my account are glitch abuse none of the bans i got for hacking were me so lol
can you honestly off you dont even need to post on this thread that comment did nothing to help at all @Pile @Alma can u close this thread if i have any questions ill pm you