All you guys probably know that every server is getting greifed by hacker's and it's annoying when you can't do stuff. Today, I was on parkour to try to finish it from level 12 to completed, and I realised that there is a guy standing at the same spot and not trying to go to the ladder, I go there, then realise that greifer's destroyed the map and it will be impossible for them at level 12 to finish to completed, unless you hack that I don't want anyone to do. Also people commenting on level 3 also missing ladder's. In infection, it's harsh seeing the maps all destroyed because I play on it a lot, hope it could be back to normal :( . Anyway, for those mods or @Javiasor , @CypriotMerks , @Noobcrew to fix these maps right away or it will turn out being destroyed and the server will fall apart. This could be the end of mineverse in the future, or this could be the start of the hacker's in mineverse.
This incident has been brought to Cyp's attention by a mod already. 12 is still possible to complete, it's just that particular section of the course has become much harder than it used to be. People do not intentionally break the blocks; often times it's frustration from the constant lag that makes players punch things when the server is about to crash.
All players it's not as they can roll back to fix this but you might lose all stuff you got in this update
I'll start of asking, could you change that color? It is hard for me to read and it might be for someone else. Thank you. I'll read it thou and will put my input as soon as I've read.
Is this better? '',All you guys probably know that every server is getting greifed by hacker's and it's annoying when you can't do stuff. Today, I was on parkour to try to finish it from level 12 to completed, and I realised that there is a guy standing at the same spot and not trying to go to the ladder, I go there, then realise that greifer's destroyed the map and it will be impossible for them at level 12 to finish to completed, unless you hack that I don't want anyone to do. Also people commenting on level 3 also missing ladder's. In infection, it's harsh seeing the maps all destroyed because I play on it a lot, hope it could be back to normal :( . Anyway, for those mods or @Javiasor , @CypriotMerks , @Noobcrew to fix these maps right away or it will turn out being destroyed and the server will fall apart. This could be the end of mineverse in the future, or this could be the start of the hacker's in mineverse.,''