There are various issues if you change your ign then play on MV. On opprison you can't use commands su h as /p add and /p clear . I have issues with commands on creative as well. If you are one of those people that likes to reset your plot quite often to create new builds, you can't due to the fact that you aren't the owner of the plots. You can only add and break blocks, so technically you are the helper of your plot and not the owner. My suggestion is that mods should be able to clear your plot because at the minute they can't, even head-mods cant . As far as I know only the co-owner and owner can and I'm usually not on when they are. I have asked other people if they have had issues like this and they have. For example __May__ recently had to change her name back so she could edit her plot. The problem for me is that I've changed my name too recently and don't want to have to wait for another 3 weeks before I can use commands again. Thanks from Snowy EDIT I also get issues with my username with voting, I accidentally put in my old ign for voting on a couple of days because I wasn't used to my new username. I've voted everyday but now won't get the rewards for everyday I've voted because of this. EDIT 2: Mods should be able to use /clear to clear your plot but it works like a tpa command, the player has to do /accept or /deny on whether or not they want to clear their plot or not. This part was mainly @Scorvix idea
There isn't. I wish there was a way that people other than Cyp & Crew could help us with things like this.
Do something in the mine verse shop, it is possible to get your inventory cleared on creative for free, I'm sure it would be possible to add this to the shop also.
I think that it is a lot easier to give the mods commands or fix the issue altogether. Thanks for all supports so far!! Please support!!
I won't I want my current ign and therefore don't want to change my mind. I really want this to happen delta. Edit: wish I saw this before I changed my name... But I will still have to wait for like two months to get my username that I have now back again due to mc rules of name changing once a month :(
Support. But I think the owners won't do it, since it would be easy to abuse. But what could work, is that the command needs confirmation from the plot owner. Kind of like the /tpa command. Example of how the command would work. Mod uses command to clear plot. A notification in chat is shown to who's plot it is. They are given a choice to either accept the confirmation to reset their plot, or decline it. If accepted, the plot is reset. If declined, nothing happens. The command request to the player will not be identified by the player name, but by the account's UUID.