Blaming a large majority of the moderators for one moderators actions is a little.. Silly don't you think?
I always though @jarroyonaples Would do fine. He was been on Minevetse for a long time, Havent seen anything major from him. But Id go with what you say. Its absolutley fine If you do not want to become a Staff Member. I dont want to be one too. I am just saying, If you were to apply, You would be No. 1 on my List. Why you ask? Your mature. Probably the most mature on this Server. Has never done nothing wrong. And is helpful and knowledgeable. Thank you for joining Mineverse.
Staff Dont try their hardest, I can confirm that now. Now I have made this thread, FINALLY Some Mod has looked at my Ban Appeal. I can even confirm that My ban was incorrect buy the Moderator. Mineverse is starting to turn into a Children's Nursery.
I did get banned for nothing, As a matter of fact. Did you even read the thread? I said Except for a few people. I have been patent and will continue to do so untill the Moderators quit the Stupid act and fix their Childish Remarks.
Can you stop flaming at us? Lol. We understand that your ban appeal wasn't looked at for about 3 weeks, we get that. But there's no need to go all out fighting at us for no reason. You can't blame it on all of us, 3yerrt, Badlerner, quickflame, heyitsalexa and I aren't mods all servers. And you need to understand that..
I do understand that. I made this thread because I want the Moderators to pick up the act and Start LOOKING AT WHO THEY ARE BANNING. Mineverse is just turning into a Childrens Nursery. I dont see any Moderators in-game anymore. Non of this is your fault because you are new. All I am telling the other Moderators to do is Be may more active in-game and stop active like Children. Hopefully, Moderators can now Start active like Adults and Be firm to go in-game.
It's completely understandable if a player is not satisfied and angry with a mod if they have legit reasons. Raccoon appears to have legit reasons, and if a mod isn't looking at an appeal that is 3 weeks old, well that's ridiculous. I don't understand how their isn't enough time in a mods day to at least CHECK the forums, if not every 2-3 days. Mods, I think if it is obvious that if you are going away, which too is understandable, at least find a way to deal with your appeals, or organise another mod to do it. THIS is why players need to see reports and see ban appeals, what is there honestly to hide? I don't understand why the players haven't been listened to. There is simply no reason not to set up reports to at least be viewable. If a player is not satisfied, I don't think the way to handle it is to tell them the same thing that is always said, simply improve on it, and @ScoFu13 I think you need to discuss with Cyp, and your mods if it would help to have perhaps worldwide mods, or you, yourself(I know you are a busy man) to have the ability to override/take over ban appeals when requested by a player after 3 days or more. With this said, this doesn't happen often. Mineverse does have a large player base, and I think that considering this, there are a very small amount of problems, which is simply amazing. The change between global mods and 2-server-mods has been a big change, and this shows some of the complications presented by this change.
I meant the cons with putting the 2-server rule for moderators and it's becoming increasingly difficult.:L
1. You are blaming all of the mods for something they can do nothing about (and had nothing to do with). Yes, you do have a reason to be mad, but there are better things to do then say every moderator is responsible for this mistake. Tag the banning moderator, or any moderator. PM the banning moderator and tell them. Post a link to the appeal on their page, and they can't call you impatient if it's been three weeks. 2. Demotion for just about all of the staff members? Really? No. 3. You've made it pretty clear that you think mineverse is a children's nursery, and this thread (Made by you) is very childish.
Mostly, All Moderators, But the main offender, Was @PopIs_MyLife Now its kinda slipping to @PandaBear__ . @PandaBear__ Shouldnt be Demoted, Just to do what I have noted above.