I'm Australian and we share the same timezone. I see where you are coming from, we could really use more moderators in this timezone but the thing is we can't just promote anyone from that timezone that applies and at the moment there aren't too many people from this timezone applying.
We have Australian mods already and they're really not that active lmao. Adding more won't make a difference.
I don't mean this in a rude way, but I never see moderators on in general. I see Madi, Pile, Gabby, & MJ online a lot, but they're busy a lot, because of school & work... I was online for 3 hours today, and no moderators, lol. IMO, timezones don't matter, it's who's active and who isn't.
I'm sorry but I don't agree with you, You are from the usa and I noticed you just mentioning usa moderators. When you are asleep the Uk and Aus moderators are moderating, Yes I can agree with you that there are normally very long time gaps. but with the size of our team Its hard to cover 24/7 I can assure you we all try our hardest to try and fill the gaps but we all have lives two. So I don't really deem It your choice to call out who's active and who's not active. Period.
Nope, I see Ordi, Madi, Surge, Pile, MJ, Gabby, Clx, Alx, Kensey, Quert, Kenju, Sparky, Puaple FREQUENTLY.
I am from the USA, but I usually come online during the times when UK moderators should be online. When I am supposed to be asleep, around the early AM times, I see no moderators online. Maybe one pops on for one minute, but then leaves.
1) Dont double post 2) Sparky is online around 8PM US 3) Puap + Quert + Surge online 5PM US 9AM US: Kensey 8AM US: Gabby Clx Alex kenju. I normally are online around 2ish US.
Maybe they've been busy, because I've only seen a few mods on recently. It's probably because of finals this week.
When you hint a little too much that this suggestion is more about making yourself look good to become mod. People aren't promoted based on what time zone they are in, it's based on their ability and potential. If I was an owner of a server, I would rather have 1 good US mod rather then 3 inactive and salty Asia mods. Yes, that time zone is in need of mods active during that time and I'm sure the owners/head mods are aware of that. But they're not going to randomly promote people based on their time zones.
Yeah erm, I forgot that this thread was still here. I agree with you but since people see this suggestion, maybe its also promoting people from Asia, I don't know? Maybe a mod can close it?