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  • Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by TiggyX19, Feb 17, 2016.

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    1. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Active Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Hi, my name is _NateGotBuckets_. I know I have had a bad past of scamming, but those days are over, and I am ready to help.
      How old are you?
      I am 16 years old.
      Which server do you play on most?
      What country are you currently living in?
      What language(s) can you speak?
      What times are you most active on Mineverse?
      Mostly on weekends, but at least 30 minutes on Mondays thru Thursdays.
      Do you have a recording device?
      Yes, it is called Screencast-O-Matic
      Do you own a microphone?
      What is the link to your most recent application, if any?
      I never applied. This is my brothers account, but I have applied on another one before.

      Mineverse Experience

      How long have you been playing on Mineverse for?
      I've been playing Mineverse since approximently 6 months ago.
      What game do you most actively play?
      I usually play on Private Servers, I think that this is very fun, because Mineverse overall is very fun, but I think that playing with your friends in a private server is very awesome.
      Which areas of the Mineverse network do you enjoy the most?
      Of course, the server, because that is the place that I Can usually play what I want to play.
      What has motivated you to apply for a staff position at Mineverse?
      I just felt that I could be helpful in a staff team, just like how I have been helpful in servers. I am also wanting to do this to enforce the rules, because I like following the rules now, because I have changed. (because I read them every day:), and stop the bullying and all that wrong stuff to make Mineverse a better place.
      What interactions have you had with our staff team in the past?
      Usually, I go on to the Lobby , and say hi to any staff that is there, I know that that is not much, but I still love all the staff, and wish I could become part of it!
      Have you received any punishments at Mineverse, or any other server?
      Yes, I have had a past of scamming, but I can change.

      All About You

      Why should we choose you to become a Moderator?
      This is the long part of this application. I think that I should be chosen for Moderator, because I am a helpful, and caring person. The rules, also, are my number one priority. I also think that I should be chosen for trainee so that I can help, my fellow peers, the Mods, and most of all, the PLAYERS! You cannot become Moderator if you do not care about the players. I care for, and love the players a lot, and I will help them at any time, if possible.
      Even though my love for the players is great, rules still have to be enforced. I know that my brother _TiggytheLegend_, does not do this much, since he has been banned twice, and I finally had to convince him to get rid of his mod, because if he gets banned a third time, he is not getting unpunished. I am not like him, even though I get hackussed a lot, because I am his brother. I read the rules every single day, so I can enforce them and follow them myself. Thank you. I also think I should be chosen for moderator because even in my real life, I work very cooperatively with other people. Even at school, I work very well with the other students. For example, when I was working with the seniors, I was really helping them, and they gave me advice and everything about high school like I was their little brother. This job would be so great, and I would love working with all the mods and following in their footsteps. I have been dreaming about this job so I would really know what to do if I get it.​
      Another thing is that even when my brother acts up, and since we have different computers, even hacks, I can really disipline him. I will not go soft, even if he is my brother. How you also know I am not just about helping, I have really good experience at disipline too. At LavaFlow, there was this person named Owen that was hacking and terrorizing the players. Here are the other reasons why you guys should choose me.

      Honesty: I am really honest now that I have changed, and I know that this is very important in being mods. You do not see mods lying and scamming the players. Mineverse is supposed to be a Utopia, and that cannot happen if people scam. Honesty is the number one policy, and this is what I am really focused on, because I have changed from the old days, when I was scamming.
      Trustworthiness: I can be trusted now, as a player, and maybe even as a mod. Trust is the number one thing that you need to become mod. Cypriot needs to trust you to make you mod, and back then, I could not be trusted anymore. Breaking someone's trust is not fun, and It is really hard to earn back, so I have to try to be able to be trusted.
      Respect: I know from school that you have to respect yourself, others, and the environment, and I can do this because I love all the mods, and I respect them and their decision. But it is really the players I have to respect If I want to become mod. But I am determined to do that. The players deserve my respect, and If everyone respects each other, we can make Mineverse a good place to play at.

      Maturity: I was obviously not mature when I was scamming. I am still not mature yet, but I am making a effort to do that, and Maturity is also what you need to become mod. I am 16, but I still love playing with my 8 year old brother. He is very good, and respects me very much. I have heard that you don't have to give up the child in you as you grow old. I believe this, and think I should not be judged on this.
      Action: Just because I want to do all these things, I won't be that boring Mod that just flies around, looking for hackers. I think that Mods should be able to play too, and you can still know if there are Hackers, either by players telling you to come see, or seeing one during gameplay. I play with the players, but I can still do my Job too.
      Activity: I can still be on at different times, then the other people who don't support me. People don't see me enough, but I play a lot. Don't say no support just for this, because there could be many reasons why I am not on a lot, such as:
      Different Time Zones
      Or Just playing outside with my brothers.

      In what ways could you positively contribute to the community?
      I can contribute positively to the community by helping out players and even other staff all the time. I know that you cannot help the players or set a good example by breaking the rules yourself. I can help people with questions or concerns every single time I am asked. I can also enforce rules, to get rid of hackers and everything, to make Mineverse a positive community.
      What experiences do you have with moderating a community or game?
      I have been a Administrator on LavaFlow, before I resigned. It was a very fun experience, and all the players were acting well, especially when there is a staff on. You really don't see someone hacking when there is a staff member on. I can do this on Mineverse, too. Sure, there is way more players, but I am determined and ready to go. I know this will not be easy, but I can still do this.
      If accepted, what are the top 3 goals which you would aim to complete during your time as a staff member?
      My top three goals will be to:
      1.Help the players, the staff, and the community
      2. Get Mineverse rid of hackers and other rule breakers.
      3. Make the community a better place.

      Is there anything else which you would like to add?
      By the way, I am using my brother's account, to do this application, but soon, I will make my own. I am 16 years old, and my birthday is 2-7-00.

      Please consider that I have changed, so don't judge me on my past. We don't look in the past, we look in the future. Thank you.

      The other things:
      My language: English
      My timezone: Eastern time zone
      What country do you live in? I live in the U.S.A, and it is a really nice country.
      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc): Yes, I have screen-cast-o-matic pro
      How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be on the server on weekends, from 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm, and on weekdays from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
      How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing mineverse for about a year.
      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game): Yes, in my bad past, I have been banned once, by MPG for scamming, but I am very kind and honest now.
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, I was an Administrator in LavaFlow.

      I did not follow the format, but please do not judge it on that.
      Guys the real reason why my account has not been played, and Tiggy's account has is because I use his account now, because my account was deleted. If you see Tiggy online, then I really am active. Thank you :)
      Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
    2. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Active Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      I didn't follow the format, I'm sorry.
    3. kei

      kei Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      Edit your application so it's obvious to see you're using the format. Neutral, just fix your application and I'll consider a support
    4. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support
    5. Cuba4206

      Cuba4206 Active Member

      Dec 9, 2014
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      No support never saw you in game
    6. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      No support, reasons stated above.
    7. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Neutral, the people above are rating you harshly ^
      You may have the prefix active member, but are you actually active is the real question.
      I am going to give you a neutral, you may have some grammatical issues here and there but thats an ez fix!
    8. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      Neutral, add more info and do what rodeen said.
    9. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Active Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      To all of you that say I am not active, maybe we are in different timezones because I never see you guys either.
    10. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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      Neutral nice mod app just work on activity.
    11. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Active Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      I didn't follow the format, but please do not count me out and say no support just for that, I beg you.
    12. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      No support sorry
    13. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Active Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Why don't you support, so I can improve on what you say?
    14. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      Of course, I have not really seen you on the forums before and your application could do with a little bit more in the why you should become a moderator section
    15. Saturns

      Saturns best valorant player Premium

      Aug 5, 2014
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      No support. Reasons stated above.
    16. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Active Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Thank you kinsley_kid. If i add more, can I change that into a support.
      Pastel Loser please give actual reasons yourself.
    17. Saturns

      Saturns best valorant player Premium

      Aug 5, 2014
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      The reasons are stated above. I dont need to give you reasons. The reasons are listed. I never saw you and add much more info.
    18. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      Adding more will change me to a neutral depending on the quality of what you add
    19. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Active Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Maybe we are in different timezones, and you don't have to be so mean about it.
    20. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Active Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      You know what, I'm gonna make a different app, so Moderator, please close this app.
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