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  • Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Kittycity3659, Dec 28, 2014.

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    1. Kittycity3659

      Kittycity3659 Active Member

      Dec 28, 2014
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      My name is Trinity Rose Bowden. I'm currently 12 years old, but i am very mature for my age. My game name is Kittycat3659. I chose that name because, in 3rd grade my best friend's name was that so we were matching. I am currently in the Pacific time zone. The country I live in is the U.S. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
      I am currently in middle school and i only speak English. I am learning Spanish but i'm ok at it. I currently have 3 B's 1 C and I don't know how many A's. In Elementary School I had 1 C 2 A's and i believe 4 B's. I believe I am smart.
      At home I have 1 sister, 1 mom, 1 Dad, 1 Step mom, 1 Step brother. I currently have 5 dogs 2 chinchillas and 1 cat. My cat is very old, shes 18 and she might die any day now. I live in Rhode Island and i'm actually happy where I live. It may be the smallest state, but that doesn't actually matter.
      I would like to be a Mod because I go on this server everyday. When I come on here I feel like I am accepted, or cool. I'm not really the coolest girl in school, but I fit in. When I come on here everyone tells me, "Your such a good builder, your so responsible". Everyone that has a probably they come to me and not the mods. I can be active on mineverse about 5-7 days a week. Some weekends i visit my father in Cumberland. He won't let me use his computer, he's to worried i'll break it. This is my favorite server in the whole world, probably why i play it so much. I have been on this server for 3 years. When it turns 2015 it will be my 4th year. I'm so happy because it will be my 4th year! Yes i have been banned from a server, probably for using caps, but it was only temp ban. No huge thing, I am very good on servers. I think i deserve to be mod because in the past, my best friend Kj, i don't see him anymore, we lost touch. My best friend KJ and i were actually Owners and Co-Owners of a server. I would build for him and i would ban people for doing the wrong thing. I also was Mod on this one server, i don't know what it was called, but someone exploaded spawn. Me and my friend Carrie stayed up ALL night fixing it. It was actually so much fun. It was probably the best memory of being ranked with my friend. I normally go on creative all the time. I watch over the little un ranked minecrafters. Tthe reason I want to be mod is all the other minecrafters always swear and talk about sex when there is 8 and 6 year olds on. They don't know any better. My sisters friend's brother hes 7, he played this and everyone was shouting SEX CLUBS or F** Yeah. I don't actually swear on this server either. The only things i say it DAMMIT or FRICKEN. I only get angry when everyone starts shouting "LAG" when there's spike. That's when i try to calm things down, but it makes it worse. I am Elite right now and I just please ask. Look at this, Read this, Let it sink in you mind. I want to help you and your server. I wanna be apart of the server I love.

      Please and Thank You
      Trinity Rose Bowden A.K.A Kittycat3659 :D
    2. HackMaster

      HackMaster Experienced Member

      Nov 30, 2014
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      No support.


      -Get more active forums & In-game.
      -Fix your grammar, spelling, vocabulary and punctuation mistakes.
      -You seem a bit... immature.
      -There are some off-topic stuff in here.
      -Organize this.
      -Add more information and change the color; it hurts my eyes.
    3. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      Agreed. A lot more detail could be added. And the colour was hurting my eyes a little. Some of this stuff is a little irrelevant but it could be put into the introduction I guess.
      I also noticed that you are a new member, so maybe try to get to know the community a little better ;)
      Also, Mineverse has not been up for 3-4 years. Hm...
    4. Skillbill63

      Skillbill63 Experienced Member

      May 9, 2014
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      You don't need to qwote those things.
    5. Realizinq

      Realizinq Well-Known Member

      Jul 26, 2014
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      Make it organized, not in 1 paragraph, and a little more on why do you think you should be a mod rather than your personal info.
    6. 427666

      427666 Experienced Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      I'm not trying to be Mean But if your only in 12... um ya I did something like this I failed Saying curse words to everyone and I don't want you to have no friends I'm a titan and I have NO friends and overall very lonely and I don't want you to become a freak on mineverse like me so try to become VERY mature so you will have a Good luck getting mod -[Titan] 42766
    7. BDON33

      BDON33 Experienced Member

      Sep 19, 2014
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      No Support:
      Try and get to know the community, staff and people more in forums (aim for member or active member) as well as in-game
      The application contains not enough detail on why you would like to be mod on the server
      There is a lot of irrelevant content
      Try to organise the application into paragraphs and sections
      Use this format:
      Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored.

      How old are you?
      Your in-game name:
      What timezone are you in?
      What country do you live in?
      What languages do you speak?
      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Which two servers would you like to moderate? (Recommended pick the two servers you play the most)

      Please do not ask to become a staff as it lower your chances becoming one.

      [Quotation from Noobcrew's thread on the Moderator Application Template]

      Good luck ;)
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