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  • Requirements Needed Moderator application > Younes

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Younes, Jul 13, 2017.

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    1. Younes

      Younes Active Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      Welcome to my application:

      Welcome to my application, I'm here to make an effort to become an employee at Mineverse. Many will not know me, but I will introduce myself as well. My name is Younes, I'm a nice boy who is 14 years old and never had trouble making friends. I've been playing Mineverse for about 3 years now and I'm really looking forward to it. If there are things I did wrong or did wrong, I regret and corrected mistakes. It's important that a person get a resignation of his actions and that he is the first to point out that he has learned something about it. I can assure you that I do my best to achieve a strong perseverance on this application. My hobbies are: football, music, learning, sports. I hope you find the application good enough. If you do not mind, please leave a message and I will treat it neatly.

      How old are you?:

      Your in-game name?:


      What timezone are you in?:

      GMT+1 (Netherlands)

      What country do you live in?:

      I live in the Netherlands This is in Europe and comes from Flevoland.

      What languages do you speak?:

      I'm a language-controlling boy, I'll show you what I've all been to, and I've learned, I can: Dutch, English, German, English, if someone manages these languages and who does not speak English I can do it without any effort Be a service and make an endless perseverance for the person.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?:

      I've been a member of this community in Mineverse a long time ago, I've been playing Mineverse for 3 years now. In the meantime, I know more members who was a surprise for me and could be good at it. I work well with people and it suits me easily. I have made long-lasting friendships with other people, since friendship is a nice feature, because without friends you are not happy. I was also friends with some Ex-Staff members of Mineverse who did their best to keep the server still in my respect. I have respect for each function and also for a normal player because each player or staff member has its unique feature. I'm trying to express a fresh and warm personality. I like to keep people happy at Mineverse and to serve and serve. If I'm accepted, I promise you to spend all my energy and power at Mineverse. I'm not so special to describe my personality, but I have an open mind that you can respect it. I have many features like a Moderator who will explore you here.


      I'm an honest boy, I've been raised like a good boy who does not do bad things occasionally a joke, but I'm able to work seriously again. As a Moderator, it is important to have an essential property or feature that most need. I can not tell a lie quickly and I will never do that. Being consciously lying, I find dishonesty and that you sprawl it for yourself and the other person thinks it's the 'truth' lies can cause a lot, for example: arguments, discussions, disturbing public chat etc. If I can not tell lies At Mineverse then I have a loyal character in Mineverse.


      I think I am a very helpful person in the vicinity of Mineverse. I try to use all my strength to help any player in need to help it be a game or real life. If someone has a question, I get a direct action that I have to respond to and simply explain the instruction that he or she understands. When new players want to explore our server, I help them get used to the Mineverse commands and all the important useful things that are claimed by Mineverse. I understand people what they say and then that knowledge to use and improve it.


      I consider myself as an adult person, I consider myself responsible and respect each person equally. I know the line between the good and the wrong, I know what I'm doing and I'll take good care of that too. I know when to stop and grow up again. I also know what is considered a joke and what is normal or rude. I show my emotions, my actions to other players and you will notice and I have not condemned.


      The friendly play is a big part of a Moderator. If you're kind to other players then people will respect you and you will not hate you soon. It's easier for a person to really see you to keep a chat. I can assure you that I can help him or him what I can offer him!

      Fast Typer:

      I think it's a fun hobby to quickly type, because you can quickly tell people and help people quickly, for example, to suspend a hacker from the server because he is unfair in the game. This allows you to take a quick action that he is banned and have to learn his lesson.


      I am a very active player. You'll also often see me on Discord, Forums, Server, I'll try to stay active as much as possible, and you'll probably notice that in the play environment, I try to make it clear in the server and the Discord and the forums.


      I'm pretty patient for players. For example, if I had gemuted a player for their action and then they were unnoticed and they did not know. Will I put my position to explain why and not lose my self-control. I would not take my frustration into my body, but I will make it more comfortable. I will explain it calmly until they understand with a good perseverance.

      Do you meet all Mineverse requirements for staff listed below? YES / NO

      Do you have 50 Post Count? Yes
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? Yes
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? Yes
      Do you have Skype or Teamspeak 3 for offline communication? Yes

      Thanks for reading my application, I hope I get the chance to let my dream come true on Mineverse. I hope you think the same. ;)

      Greetings, Younes

    2. gabby

      gabby Legendary Member

      May 3, 2014
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      Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for staff on Mineverse.
      Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for staff at this time. We encourage you to read the requirements needed and take some time to get to know the community here on forums.

      Feel free to fill out an application in the future.
      Volunteers are always needed.
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