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  • Requirements Needed Moderator application Spacestation

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by 1826XD, Dec 30, 2016.

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    1. 1826XD

      1826XD Active Member

      Dec 25, 2016
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      Welcome to SpaceStation's Application!!!



      Hello everyone, I am Spacestation or as some of you know me Spacestation. I have been playing Mineverse for about two years and in those two years I was a mod for about two months. Recently I decided to rejoin Mineverse and start playing with all my old friends and most importantly reporting hackers again. Since I have re-joined several of my friends have been asking me if I will re-apply and if I do when. So with this, I have decided that I will re-apply. I hope that you all will accept me back into the staff team of this server. For this application, I am just going to try and make a brief list of my skills and qualifications and not a long-winded essay. Thank you, enjoy the rest of my application.

      Your in-game name:

      What timezone are you in?

      What country do you live in?

      What languages do you speak?
      English and Dutch

      Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Yes, I use a Mac program called QuickTime which is built into all Apple computers.


      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I think I should become a mod again because I have already been a moderator on this server and I am a well-known and well-liked player who other players generally respect. I believe that I have all of the necessary qualities that would be needed to perform well as a moderator.

      Another reason I think I should be a mod is because I am a kind, respectful player and my only goal on this server is to help people and record hackers.

      Some of these qualities that I believe are needed and that I have are-

      Being helpful as a moderator might just be the most important of all of the qualities a moderator could have. It is a moderator’s job to help new and old players on the server with anything that they need. And as moderator I will always try to my full extent to be helpful to everyone that may need it.

      Being active is another major quality that a moderator needs to have to be able to perform their job properly. In the average day especially now that I am out of school I can play for 5+ hours. If you are not active as a moderator you will not be able to get your job done.

      The definition of responsible is having an obligation to do something or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role. To be a moderator, you need to be responsible. Some nights you may have to stay up late to get work done such as reading and accepting/denying ban appeals or reports. I will always make sure that I do my fair share of work on the moderator team. Being responsible is not only this but also not reacting to players insults on the game or just simply message them back saying I respect your opinion I will do my best to be better. You can not be irresponsible and mess up the way Mineverse looks to the average player. Moderators are the face of our server so we must act accordingly and make sure we do not damage that image. I believe that I am responsible and ready to take on my part of the staff team.

      Although I am only 15 years old, I am considered mature among my peers and superiors. In school, I am on my student council that is composed of people that have all the following traits listed above. I try my best never to cuss in-game, and I will never cuss. I look down upon people who cuss because it is an immature thing. I will always make sure I am mature in-game and on forums so that Mineverses players know how they should act on the server. Now some people may disagree with this because of past messages I have said. Although I am rarely immature. Everyone makes mistakes and to all of you who disagree with me saying I am mature. I would love to meet you in-game so I can prove to you that I am a mature and respectable player.

      With serving as a staff member on this server and many other servers in my Minecraft past, I have learned all of the basic commands that a moderator would need to know to do his job correctly. I know all of the following commands.
      /mute (player) (amount of time) (reason)
      /ban (player) (reason)
      /tempban (player) (time) (reason)
      /kick (player)
      /tp (player)
      along with many other various commands.

      Every single trait listed above is vital to being able to be a good moderator on our server. Although I am not perfect in all of these, I believe I do embody them. And I will continue to work my best to show everyone that I am worthy of being a moderator on our wonderful server.


      How long can you be active on the server every day?

      Monday - 3 to 6 hours
      Tuesday - 4 to 7 hours
      Wednesday - 5 to 7 hours
      Thursday - 2 to 4 hours
      Friday - 6 to 9 hours
      Saturday - 5 to 10 hours
      Sunday - 4 to 7 hours

      Monday - 3 to 6 hours
      Tuesday - 4 to 7 hours
      Wednesday - 4 to 6 hours
      Thursday - 2 to 4 hours
      Friday - 6 to 10 hours
      Saturday - 7 to 13 hours
      Sunday - 4 to 10 hours

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      As of right now, I have been playing Mineverse for almost exactly two years. During these two years I have had many friends and experiences including being a moderator for about two months but I decided to resign but I am ready to come back now. :D

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)

      Forums- 1x for 24 hours
      Ingame- Never

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes, in my opinion I have a vast amount of experience as a moderator. I owned my own server for about three months where I learned all the commands I need. I moderated a twentyish player server which I resigned on to join Mineverse. Then the highlight of all my moderating, I was a moderator on Mineverse for two months but I resigned due to time constraints.

      Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No


      Thank you everyone, for taking the time to read my application. I hope that all of you will accept me back into the staff team. I appreciate any kind of feedback that I may receive so if you are going Neutral or No Support. Please give me reasons as to what I need to improve on to get your support. And if you support can I have a few reasons as to why you supported me.

      Once again,

      Thank you,


      Support- 0
      Neutral- 0
      No Support- 0
    2. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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      us only got 8 posts mayn
    3. MrFishlips

      MrFishlips Experienced Member

      Jul 13, 2014
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      You have 8 messages and you just joined this Monday... Haha. No.
    4. MrFishlips

      MrFishlips Experienced Member

      Jul 13, 2014
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      Edit: You copied this application.
    5. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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      Re-posting the same app just after the other one got closed...
    6. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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      Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for staff on Mineverse.
      Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for staff at this time. We encourage you to read the requirements needed and take some time to get to know the community here on forums.

      Feel free to fill out an application in the future.
      Volunteers are always needed.
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