that is not capital, dont you see the points on the i. this was the font i used: this is caps i:I and this is non capital:i
It's part of the English language. There are some non capitalised Is in the capturing evidence section and you have spelt some words wrong. I will give you the correct spelling for two of the words, helpful and evidence. Try to be active in game throughout all game modes. No support fix these though and I may support
No Support. -New Member -Never seen you ingame -Not active on the forums -Not enough detail -Grammatical errors
People are giving you no supports because they don't believe your ready for the job of being a moderator. No one is being mean we are just giving you feed back to help you improve to become suited for the job of being moderator. Some of the things people have suggested to you can't really be shown in one night.
No support Add more info Add more detail Get active Get known to the community Btw fix the font size, I suggest making it 4. Good luck.