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  • Moderator Application For Op Factions and Factions

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Annabananna222, Mar 2, 2015.

    1. Annabananna222

      Annabananna222 Active Member

      Feb 27, 2015
      Likes Received:
      IGN: AnnaBanannaTDM
      Timezone: Australian Eastern Time
      Country: Australia
      Languages: English
      Why should I be a mod?: I believe that I'd be a great mod because I have great experience in sports like netball and games in minecraft like factions. And I captain my netball team and was co captain for my regional side.
      How long do I play on mineverse?: I play on mineverse for about 2 hours (only server I really play) and if I do get the chance to get mod I'll be active for as long as I can!
      How long have I played mineverse?: I have played mineverse for about 2 years now and have really loved meeting new people and creating new friends.
      Have I had experience as a moderator?: Currently I have had been a co owner on my friends server which actually became to be a pretty good server after he got rid of it so yes I have.
      What servers would i moderator?: Seeing that I have play a lot of factions and there are barely any mods on factions that I can see, I would love to moderate OP factions and Factions! :) Thankyou for reading for what I have posted, Pls consider me as one of your mods. :D
    2. Annabananna222

      Annabananna222 Active Member

      Feb 27, 2015
      Likes Received:
      What did I do wrong correct me! xD
      Btw answers not asnwers :/

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