I decided to review and edit my app to add more detail. many of you might say no support but guess what if you want to say that LEAVE A REASON. I cant read your minds tell me how i can make it better. Hope this goes well.
No support. Do more reports and become more active in-game, and then you'll have my support. Good luck.
I think the thing i hate the most right now is the people who leave bad comments and think there right when they probably cant do any better cause they never tried to be staff on servers or anything. In all fairness more detail is good but guess what sometimes saying everything you can and not leaving anything out works as well in my case thats what i did can i add more detail? Yes i can if I had anything else to say. Im not perfect but neither are the rest of you who comment "No support" or "Add detail" because AT LEAST I TRIED I have submitted, resubmitted, edited, added, removed, I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING I CAN. If I could do better i would but I can't. I tried many times with no success but i don't mind. if you people want to say bad things go ahead This is my hole minecraft career. Did i leave stuff out? maybe I don't know but i do know that I put everything you guys asked for if thats not good enough than screw it. Also I am active in game. I jump around the mineverse servers but i tend to be on creative with my friends.
I can not support you. I've never seen you in-game or on the forums before, try and be more active . Try and do more reports . Good luck!
you dont see me online much because the staff NEVER goes on creative plus the forums gett annoying sometimes so i tend to stay off them.
Neutral, Be more active on forums and in-game . Also I suggest you change the color to it to make it more easier to read
No support. I don't see how this is an advantage, but more of a disadvantage. This could make you misspell things like ban messages, or ban wrong user.
No support. Add more detail Add more info Be more on active forums Never saw you in-game Colors make it hard to read!