Basically, throughout my time on these forums, the amount of people who complain about their appeals being treated unfairly and without any actual "real" thought. This suggestion would hopefully help that, in the sense that there would never be only 1 moderator acting on the appeal. The basis of this suggestion is for each moderator to be paired with another to help assist in their ban appeal, and only be able to fully conclude after both have left their opinion and talked about it. Of course, there should be some kind of change of the pairing, maybe on a weekly basis each mod gets a new pairing. Any additions to make, please leave below.
Having is seen actually shown visually, rather than hidden opinions work better in terms of the users having trust for the moderators. People, who only receive a single reply from their banning moderator could see it as a bias opinion.
i would also agree for reports. i have recently reported someone but the mod thought they were not hacking, while two others did.
It's peculiar you're making this thread. We've both been mod, right? So we both know that it's unlikely just one moderator makes a judgement on the appeal. It's almost an 85% chance that every time an appeal is made, a question asking an opinion on it pops up in the staff chat. Some appeals are tedious, and simply made in hopes that the moderator is incompetent. Having multiple moderators vet appeals would be an unnecessary task. No support.
Purely to stop the people complaining on the fact that sometimes appeals wouldn't be responded to, or shown through opinions. Even 85% of the time isn't enough to classify as a good conclusion. Sure, with being a mod I know how it goes, but it never always went that way. I'd try my hardest to get other mod's opinions because I felt it was the fair thing to do in an appeal, which often led myself to have to wait a couple of days before closing an appeal. If the moderator accepts an appeal because they are incompetent, then they should be punished. Hence the theory of having at minimum two staff members having to reply per appeal. It usually goes towards a majority vote, if the report isn't an "easy" one. If the moderator is incompetent enough to accept a report, without being 100% sure, then I don't think they deserve to stay on the team. It is a team for a reason, you don't have to go solo, don't be afraid to ask for help on specific reports, and if you are too scared, for whatever reason, then leave the report there for another mod.
There's a system already in place that's pretty much what you're suggesting. It was obviously added when you weren't a mod, otherwise you would already know about it. Also, hidden messages aren't used in ban appeals anymore. They were used when ban appeals were public. No support.
Neutral. On a few forums I've been on normal moderators don't handle appeals, a higher rank such as Sr Mods do it. I'm pretty sure they do this for the reason you've stated. I think if Mineverse did this it'd be more effective than pairing, as pairing two new/inexperienced mods is pointless in my opinion.
Not hidden messaged, but gaining the opinion over Skype for example. When I was a mod, most people tried, but it never always happened. I often asked for people to leave me their opinion on my appeal, which left me with having to wait nearly a week just to reply to certain people.
No support. This happens on and I hate it so much. Because the main banning moderator doesn't get a say.