So I just wanted to suggest this for all apps that appear on pages 5 or earlier. If these requirements are not for filled then the application will be locked and archived without question. Before action is taken the user must not for fill requirments in 3 days Requirments Application must follow format Title must be in this format [Country] (Playername)'s (Mod/Moderator) (App/Application) This way we don't have titles like "I WANT TO BE MOD!!."or "I wanna fly" Must be a Member to apply. So if players see apps like this the mod can warn the player and then take action if necessary. Hope you agree with me ~Glitch
No support for members only applying. People join forums to apply most of the time! Not only to report c: Support for the rest of this!
For some of them, I'd like to archive them. Since it is 2016, those that have not been replied to since 2014 will be archived.
i think if anything needs to be removed from the application section, it is your application glitcher n.n
A lot of players just join to apply. Whether or not it's actually "good" application, it gives many people a reason to join the forums. No support for that. As of cleaning up the ones that don't follow the template, support. I think if we are going to make an official rule on the title format, then we need to add the country prefix that's on .net