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  • NA Mod application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Allstarhube, Mar 15, 2016.


    Should i be a mod trainee

    Poll closed Mar 17, 2016.
    1. Yes

      2 vote(s)
    2. Maybe

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    3. no

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    1. Allstarhube

      Allstarhube Active Member

      Mar 8, 2016
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      My In-game name is: Allstarhube most people know me as Hube

      Which time zone are you in?:)

      My time zone is Central US time zone (UTC- 6:00)

      What languages do you speak?

      English is my main language, but I can also speak polish and spanish, i used to go to polish school when i was little and now i am currently taking classes for spanish

      Have you ever been banned?

      No, I have never been banned, and I hope I will never have to be banned

      Why do you think you should be a mod?

      • There are many reasons why I think I should be a mod. First, I am very good at giving advice. For example at school, we had a school newspaper everyone did there small articles but my teachers and friends told me I should do something different. They told me I should do an advice column. Ever since I have been giving advice to my fellow class mates, and in the small newspaper.

      • Another reason is that, most of the time moderators aren't always on when a player is in the need of help. I get messages everyday saying help some one has greifed me, or someone scammed me, and I need help. I always try to help them but I can never do enough. I always tell them to ask a mod for extra help, since I can't do much and I'm just a normal player. But then when i check there are no mods online, so they just have to wait until a moderator get's online to help them. I always feel so bad and useless when this happens. When a player needs help, I want to be there to solve the problem as quick as possible.

      • I love helping others, Helping others always makes me feel accomplished, like I did something to make some ones life or playing experience much better. One time a player needed help on their island and contacted me for help, so of course I went to help. I saw she had just started, everything was still in the chest and the tree wasn't chopped down yet. The first thing I did was, I asked: "May I make a cobble generator for you, just to get you started?" She said yes, with a bunch of hearts. After that I felt so good, and well, amazing.

      • I am very reasonable and non biased, I wont take sides until I hear both sides of the story and decide which one is right. You need to hear both sides before you choose which one is right. Like they say, "everyone is innocent until proven guilty". I will always hear both sides before I even think to choose which one I think is right. Everyone deserves a chance to tell their side of the story.

      • I am very forgiving, I never like holding grudges If you do something wrong of course you need to apologize. If you are sincerely sorry then of course you will be forgiven. I believe everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone makes mistakes no matter what. There is no such thing as a "perfect person". If a player calls me rude or uses disrespectful words to make me feel bad, or sad, or just to infuriate me. I will be mad, but first I will try to calm them down, and I myself will also try to be clam. If they don't stop I will choose to just simply ignore them. Because in life haters are going to hate, but it is your choice if you are going to believe what they say. Later if that player says sorry and actually means it, and knows that they did something wrong, and is ready and responsible enough to face a punishment. I will right away forgive them, and give them a second chance.

      • I am very honest, If someone ask me a question that I can answer I will be 100% honest with them. If its a question I can not answer for example: Date and year of birth, full name, my address, password, or any personal details, I will simple say I am sorry but I can not answer that. I will never lie about those things. If I can't answer them I will simply say, "I cant answer those questions". I believe being honest plays a very important role in being a mod, if you are not honest, you are just simply giving out false information.

      • Solving the problem quickly, If I become a mod I will try to resolve each problem very quickly and efficiently so I can move on to the next player who needs help. There are a lot of players on skyblock, because I believe it's a very popular server. If I am a mod I can resolve those problems as quick as possible.

      • I consider myself to be a very fast typer, this means if there was a problem and a player messages me I would be able to respond to this player, in and quick second, therefor leaving room for more questions and problems other players might have. Having this skill is very beneficial, the quicker you can respond the quicker you all be able to fix the issue and move into the next player in need of your help.
      How long can you be active on the server every day?

      I am always on skyblock.net everyday. Mostly 3 hours or more straight. I find this as an advantage, because some mods are very busy ,since I see them come on for a few 30 minutes then they have to go, while I will be on straight for 3 hours or more. Maybe less in the school year but on the weekends or on holidays, I will be active for a very long period of time.
      Monday: 11:00 am-4:00 pm 9:00 pm-12:00 am

      Tuesday: 11:00 am-4:00 pm 9:00 pm-12:00 am

      Wednesday: 11:00 am-4:00 pm 9:00 pm-12:00 am

      Thursday: 11:00 am-4:00 pm 9:00 pm-12:00 am

      Friday: 11:00 am-4:00 pm 9:00 pm-12:00 am

      Saturday: 11:00 am- 5:00 pm

      Sunday: 11:00 am- 5:00 pm

      Monday: 5:30 pm-10:00 pm

      Tuesday: 5:30 pm- 10:00 pm

      Wednesday: 5:30 pm- 10:00 pm

      Thursday: 5:30 pm- 10:00 pm

      Friday: 5:30 pm- 10:00 pm

      Saturday: 11:00 am- 5:00 pm

      Sunday: 11:00 am- 5:00 pm

      Monday: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm

      Tuesday: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm

      Wednesday: 11:00 pm- 12:00 pm

      Thursday: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm

      Friday: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm

      Saturday: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm

      Sunday: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm

      Monday: 8:15 am- 8:45 am 5:00 pm- 10:00 pm

      Tuesday: 8:15 am- 8:45 am 5:00 pm- 10:00 pm

      Wednesday: 8:15 am- 8:45 am 5:00 pm- 10:00 pm

      Thursday: 8:15 am- 8:45 am 5:00 pm- 10:00 pm

      Friday: 8:15 am- 8:45 am 5:00 pm- 10:00 pm

      Saturday: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm

      Sunday: 11:00 am- 10:00 pm

      Note: On the weekends I may not be as active because I am usually busy.

      -If I'm not in-game I'll be on the forums. But if I am in-game I'll be on the forums as well.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      No, I do not have experience in the past for being a moderator. Well, not yet anyway.

      Some of my qualities

      I consider myself as being very trustworthy, if you asked me to hold onto some of your items, I would gladly keep them safe for you until you need them back. I would never even think about stealing, and if an item somehow manages to be missing. I would gladly refund you. If you are trusted, more people would like your help, no one would want to put their trust in an untrustworthy player's care.

      I am dependable, if you need me to do something I will do it, and I won't let you down. It will either be the first thing I do after you ask me, or I will write it down on my laptop so that I won't forget. I also never break my promises, a promise is a promise. If I give you my word, you can expect me to do what ever I promised to do, no excuses. Even though I get a lot of messages every day in-game I always get to each and every message. So no matter what the task, you can depend on me to finish what I started.

      I am very open-minded, I love hearing suggestions from other players. Even though I may not always use all of the suggestions. I do think about them thoroughly and try to implement them in any possible way.

      I always try to be the nicest I can be, whether it's a close friend, or a complete stranger on the server. I strive to always be nice. Just because a player is a green bean doesn't mean I will treat them any different then I treat any other donor. Donor or not, we are all just players. Therefor there is no reason to treat anyone differently because of their rank. I will always be nice to every player I meet. No matter what mood I am in.

      When it comes to getting things done I am a very dedicated person, I always had this tendency to get things done the day it is assigned. For example, when there is a project due in 2 weeks, I usually get it done the day it is assigned, either that or i get it done in the next day or 2. To me, that shows that i am dedicated to my work. I don't stop and won't stop until I get the job done. I am in no way a procrastinator. I am very dedicated to my work, what ever I have to get done will be my number one priority. In-game or in real life.

      No matter what the situation i always try and remain calm, whether it is dealing with some difficult players or anything in general. I always remain calm. If you get frustrated you would just make the situation worse. I either take deep breathes and try to calm myself down, or if it's too much to handle (which only happened once) I would gladly step away from the computer and calm myself down. Not staying clam in difficult situations will only make things worse, you just have to stay calm and collected.

      I am responsible, I take full responsibility in all of my actions, big or small. If it comes to a point where I have made a mistake, I will be the one who is responsible for everything. I will take all punishments, by all means for my mistakes. If it was my fault, then it is my responsibility to face the consequences in my actions.

      What happens in a conversation stays in the conversation, unless it is to be discussed with the public. I am loyal therefor if you tell me a secret or any valuable information you can trust that I wouldn't tell anyone. Whether it is just a small thing or if it is the biggest thing you could imagine, I wouldn't tell a soul. I will be loyal, until the end.

      I am very respectful to each and every player, meaning I won't be calling anyone disrespectful names any time soon. I treat every player with the same respect as I treat anyone. Whether you are a non-donor or the highest donor I will always treat you with the respect you deserve as a person. If you do not respect others how can you expect others to respect you as well.

      On the server and on the forums I try and be as professional as I can be, meaning I don't always goof around at times when I don't feel needed. Yes, I admit I do goof around at times, but who doesn't? What I mean is, I can be goofy and silly at times, but when it's time to be serious I can change in a second. Some people may call it uptight, but message me privately and hopefully I wont be thatuptight any longer.

      Thank you for taking time to read my Mod Application.
      If you have any suggestions on how I can make this application better please comment on how I can make this better. Thank you for all the support.

    2. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      Hello, I am going to say neutral.
      This is a very good application.

      But a few things you can improve is the fact that you are still new member on forums and I have never seen you ingame.

      Good luck,

    3. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Nice app, but be more active for my support. ;)
    4. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      No support.
    5. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Duplicate application, closing.
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