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  • MOD Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by gregboy123, Dec 30, 2014.


    can I be a mod on the server

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    2. no

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    1. gregboy123

      gregboy123 Active Member

      Aug 25, 2014
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      I would like to be a MOD on the server. I frequently vote for this server to help it grow. I also love most of the minigames on the server including OP Prisons (my fav) Sky grid, OP PVP, and kit pvp. Unfortunately I have not gotten a rank on the server before because my parents keep on saying no. But I am best friends with a well know person on the server which is champmatt. Him and I have helped this server grow and thrive and try to beat Mineplex out of the number one server and put Minverse on top. Please accept my application and I am mostly on during the weekends and sometime during the week depending on homework. Thank you and please respond ASAP. Thank You
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