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  • Mod Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Kittycat3659, Aug 4, 2014.

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    1. Kittycat3659

      Kittycat3659 Active Member

      Aug 4, 2014
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      I am currently 14 years old
      My game name is Kittycat3659 (i made it in 3rd grade sorry )
      My timezone I am in is Eastern
      The counrty .... I live in Rhode Island
      The language I speak is just English. I am going to take Spanish
      I think i should become mod because I like to help people. I always follow the rules, I am very respectful to others, and I am a very good builder. This a 1 and a millionth chance to get Moderator. I just love being on servers and I love being apart of something. I like to make differences in the servers. By that I mean giving ideas if anyone needs help. I know I'm not saying much but, what else is there to say. The last thing i have to say is if i got the job to be Mod I would be so happy because i play on this server everyday.
      I don't how long I will be active on the server everyday. I come on a lot so i would come on most of the time. I do have soccer and I half to finish school work. I would say most of the time. I'm sorry I can't give you a number.
      I have probably been playing Mineverse for about a year maybe 1 year and a half. I have been playing for awhile.
      I do have past experience as a Moderator. Actually I was promoted to Co-owner on a server the other day. I am trustworthy so that is another reason why they promoted me.
      I hope you guys have the chance to read all of this. It is not amazing but i sure you, you guys won't make a mistake

      ~Your friend Kittycat3659
    2. Jabitin

      Jabitin Active Member

      Aug 3, 2014
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      You have my support
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