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  • [Mod Application] thedruid2002 [United Kingdom]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by thedruid2002, Nov 9, 2013.


    Would I Be A Good Mod?

    1. Yes!

      0 vote(s)
    2. No, sorry (please tell me why!)

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    1. thedruid2002

      thedruid2002 Active Member

      Nov 9, 2013
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      Before I start, I would like to say that I am applying for mod on the creative server. Sit back and relax!! Ps, I will be adding something special to this thread soon

      How old are you? I am 11 years old but I am VERY mature.

      Your in-game name: My in-game name is thedruid2002

      What timezone are you in? I am in GMT timezone

      What country do you live in?I live in the United Kingdom

      What is your gender? I am a male

      What languages do you speak? I speak English, Welsh and a tiny bit of French

      Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should be mod because I love playing Mineverse. I think I would be a good mod because I love to help people when they need help and I like dealing with problems that have happened. This would mean so much to me if I got moderator as it is my dream to have the responsibilities of being an important person on a server. I love making posts on forums telling people what is coming soon to the server and I like reading through what people have to say. I would be online on the forums and the server for hours helping people with all of their problems and I like to be that guy who helps everyone.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active on the sevrer for between 2-3 hours a day on a weekday due to homework and about 6-7 hours on a weekend (depending on how much homework i have to do over the weekend and if i'm doing anything over the weekend).

      How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing Mineverse for about 3-4 months. (I'm not really sure)

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Sadly, I have not had any past experiences as a moderator but if you accept this application, then yes!

      Thank you for taking your time to read through this application! Please leave any feedback and tips on how I could improve

      Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
    2. Laura_or_is_it

      Laura_or_is_it Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      If you get mod, you are promoted on all gamemodes C:
    3. thedruid2002

      thedruid2002 Active Member

      Nov 9, 2013
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      Ok, thanks
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