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  • Mod Application :D

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Michael Gjellum, Dec 16, 2013.


    Would I Be A good Mod?

    1. Yes,i support you

    2. no, i think you need to improve first

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    1. Michael Gjellum

      Michael Gjellum Active Member

      Nov 26, 2013
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      To whoever it may concern.
      my in game name is Mike_Marksman, and i would love to be a Mod on your server, i believe choosing me for a Mod would be a great choice. I have played on Minecraft for a long time, but i also have played on mineverse for a long time, i have seen mineverse grow up to be the great server it is today. I would love to be part of the crew that helps this server be so great, i am age 16 and i am a honest player and never start fights i always am fair and will never judge someone. If someone comes for me for help i will help them, i believe everyone deserves a chance. IF a complaint is sent to me the first thing i will do is investigate and will always listen to both sides, for me to take any action on a ban i will need strict and solid evidence before making the decision, i am normally on Minecraft from 3- 12 pm Mountain Time, i love the Minecraft Community and especially appreciate this server. TO be a Mod is to help people and let the players be able to rely and trust you, also mods are suppose to make the server a family-friendly server where anyone can enjoy without being discriminated, judged, or being harassed first hand in real life i have seen people who have been harassed and bullied, i am 6 and i am in the middle of high school and i see everything ad, and i know people sometimes cuss and swear but as a mod i will ensure the rules are enforced, i have also been playing on factions on Mineverse and i see kids being called words that are extremely offensive and just because they are 12 doesn't mean you are better than them, also i have seen girls sexually harassed on parkour and Survival games, and i would like to see this stop and maintain the family setting but make sure safety and fun are the top priorities , and i believe i have what it takes, i can be trusted and i am very humble i do not get mad over little things and i am always willing to forgive if you are really sorry, no Mod is perfect but the Mods on your server are the closet to perfect, ans i would love to be a part of this great community, i can not stress it enough thank you for reading this it means the world to me and i would love to be a bigger part of this server. If i am not chosen for Mod i will understand because the amount of applications must be overwhelming, and some i have read are amazing, but i am thankful enough for being able to enjoy this server and be apart of it, but i would love to be a mod and help this server. Thank you for your time.

      Background details:
      How old are you: 15
      Your in-game name: Mike_Marksman
      What timezone are you in:Mountain
      What country do you live in: united States
      What is your gender:Male
      What languages do you speak: Spanish English, and minor German
      Why do you think you should become a mod: listed above
      How long can you be active on the server everyday: 5-8 hours
      How long have you been playing Mineverse: a year
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator:yes on 1 server, i was mod for 6 months but the server was closed.
      Examples: i do believe in warnings so if spamming occurs i will go with a warning, then a kick and then more severe action if continues. If hacks are being used i will look for solid evidence and get other peoples opinions before any action is taken.
      -Have A Nice Day, and this is the new and Improved Version, thanks for the support on the old one but i fixed a few things :D

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    2. Laura_or_is_it

      Laura_or_is_it Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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