No support -Become more active -add more info/detail. I have seen you in game hacking but have not had the chance to record. -you seem to be quite immature.
There's solid evidence that you're hacking, saying that you don't know even know Moderators get /fly then you're not ready for mod. No support.
Why did you lie in the video? You said you don't think he hacks when obviously you did. It is good to report players but I don't understand why you have to lie.
No support , sorry Never seen you in game be active in game and forums not enough information Good Luck
Please stop double posting and arguing with people on your app. No support, maybe wait until you're a member or active member.
Never Seen u ingame. I really want to help people and tell hackers/bad sportsmen to STOP hacking and be nice. Bad sportsmen???
No support. -Add more detail -Be more active on forums -Be more active on other gamemodes ~Good luck!
No support You seem very immature with grammar, and you accuse people. You do not seem trustworthy If you had the chance to become mod, I believe you would abuse the power, and eventually get demoted Wait until you mature more and become more known in the forums and in-game, maybe I'll reconsider if that does happen.