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    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Fangafrosty, Jan 2, 2015.

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    1. Fangafrosty

      Fangafrosty Active Member

      Jan 1, 2015
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      Hello im Fangafrosty (minecraft username) i am 11 i live in new zealand i only speak english my time zone is wellengton - auckland i want to be a moderator beacause, i dont like cheaters people who swear in chat over and over (spam) and im completely honest and only ban, suspened or what ever if they have done something really bad like cheating i can go on the server most of the time untill school ill be on maybe 3-5 days on school days i have been playing on the server 6-4 months i have never been banned in the past and i have no experiance being a moderator but i have stood up for people if other people are abusing them i would like to modirator on the block vs zombie server and creative that is my application thank you for your time reading this if im not need for my services i will not mined thank you. :)
    2. melgrath

      melgrath Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      Make sure you are using the template listed in the Sticky for this forum.

      How old are you?
      Your in-game name:
      What timezone are you in?
      What country do you live in?
      What languages do you speak?
      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Which two servers would you like to moderate? (Recommended pick the two servers you play the most)

      Use the above as a starting point, but embellish it and make it your own. This can be color, formatting, additional sections that tell the community more about yourself.

      You may also wish to review some of the other applications for ideas and to get an idea of what is out there.

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