Your in-game name: TakeTheL_ What timezone are you in? Central Time Zone What country do you live in? United States of America What languages do you speak? English And Spanish Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes, Yes I do Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Of Course OBS Or Fraps. Why do you think you should become a mod? I have decided to apply for mineverses' staff team is because I feel the server lacks moderation and the community is going out of control. The server community hasn't been going so well. People are spamming and advertising more frequent then it was two months ago and its getting out of control. This is where the staff team needs to be active and helping the community with questions and keep them updated on whats happening for the future of reboot. I feel the community would be better if the staff would be more active and talk to people and go on ts to talk to the community or even Skype some. Staff members need to pvp more often as well. Hackers are getting worse every day and there is not enough staff to watch all these places throughout the day. I'm on about 7 hours a day and enough to catch glitches and hackers most of the day. If players are getting killed when they first join by hackers they instantly leave. Hackers hurt the community and staff should be on that instantly. There is a lot of hackers and not a lot of staff and that is a reason why I applied today. The community of Mineverse has not been very good as well. People are very disrespectful to each other and its getting out of control. I myself have to say sorry to the staff team for being disrespectful in chat. I will improve because I am not a negative person I usually very nice but if you get me angry you had to do something pretty bad. All in all If I would become staff I would always be looking to Skype people. Always looking for nice people to talk to. Thanks. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Almost Everyday :D How long have you been playing Mineverse? For about 2-4 Months, I'm not sure.. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Nope I haven't Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No, I have never been a Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No Yes I do.
I don't believe you have followed the new layout of the applications. There are some new questions that you need to have answered on your application otherwise it will be ignored. I recommend going back and checking which ones you have missed. Good luck.
No support You do not meet the requirements to be staff (found here Be more active on forums and in-game across multiple game modes (I do not think I have ever seen you) Add more detail on the why you want to be a mod section Use more colors, this will help make your application stand out more from the rest Look at accepted applications as they will give you an idea of what yours should look like Good luck though.
Sorry, no support. Please meet the minimum requirements as stated by Cyp first. Once you've met it, you may want to re-tag me
No Support You do not meet the requirements to be staff (found here
No support. Do you meet the requirements? feel free to view them here: Make sure to have teamspeak or Skype as it already is an requirement to have the application. (Which ever one) Your application is very short, I suggest adding colour or traits. Reports are major, step up on those. Get active in-game, and on forums. There's many spelling mistakes in your application, be sure to look over your application before posting. You do not have 50 post count which is a requirement. Good luck!
No Support, all reasons have been stated above. The fact you said this; Shows your simple lack of care towards the simple task of reading the requirements. Also, it's probably best not to criticise the staff team when applying to be apart of it...
No support -You don't meet all the requirements -You're new to forums -Please be more active in-game and on forums