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    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by kylep789456, Oct 12, 2013.

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    1. kylep789456

      kylep789456 Active Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      I am 14, My ingame name is kylep789456 I am in the central time zone. I live in arizona so if I put the wrong time zone, feel free to correct me. I speak english, and no other languages. I think I should become a mod because I like to resolve problems with other people, as I am very experienced, (well at least in minecraft) at resolving problems that other players might have, I will be on the server on week days between 5:00 and 9:00 on weekends I am on almost all the time. I have been playing mineverse for almost a year and 1/2. I have experience on my other user in minecraft as a mod, and an admin I tend to be (Without trying to bloat) very likable. I would really love for you to read this and accept me as a mod I do not do it for the commands that I do get, or if I don't, I do it because I would love to help out the server in such a manner that I would love to stop the cheaters, hackers, spammers, exploiters and to help anyone with any of the questions people come upon especially the brand new people who are just experiencing the server. I am mostly on kitpvp because their seem to be allot of people some friendly some mean and abrupt, I would not, however use my commands or my rank to try to gain superiority I would not like the players to feel that they are less then me in game because I know how it feels to be degraded and forgotten; Another reason I would like to become moderator is because I simply love watching over the server I love mineverse although some thing may need to be worked on I would love to help as a moderator I do realise that being a moderator is no joking matter, while their are perks to becoming a mod I would never abuse these powers. Allot of people have most likely typed this same thing over and over most likely by copying and pasting it I would like you to know I am the original write of this resume, and once again I would be very pleased if you guys would even simply consider reading this application. Thanks, and have a nice day.
    2. Brado

      Brado Active Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Nice answerd the questions in a sentence good luck :)
    3. Laura_or_is_it

      Laura_or_is_it Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Nice app but it was a bit hard to read without being able to read the questions then the answers goodluck.
    4. Awesomely28

      Awesomely28 Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      Maybe use bold letters
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