Hi, I've got suggestions and bugs to talk about with the new Mob Arena on Skyblock. Suggestions: 1. Time between rounds is too short, I often find when moving to a next round, you can get bombarded with mobs around you, all dealing mass amounts of damage leaving you with no escape. Mobs should either spawn away from players, or players should be teleported to a safer area at the start of each round. 2. Most commands are disabled during mob arena. Some should be enabled for use, such as /msg, and any other passive commands which dont intefere with gameplay. 3. During late game, players find it difficult to receieve heals as most have been used up from earlier rounds. I think there should be something implemented to give players more heal pots between rounds, or players simply get healed every 5 rounds or so. (could differ depending on the kit you choose) 4. Bosses should have a health bar so we know how far we have progressed through a boss fight. Bugs: 1. Some waves, such as wave 7, spawn 0 mobs so we just sit there doing nothing for a minute or so. 2. You can receive items from a Vote Party during the mob arena, meaning if you die you will lose the keys you earn. 3. After a game, the tablist does not get changed back to the ordered one with colored names (picture below) I'm sure there will be more bugs, but lets just start with some basics. Thank you.
As i've never personally played the Mob Arena on SB, i'll check it out later and give my feedback. however, support for all of these bug fixes