We have recently created a clan, and we would like people to apply for it here are the following members -HeyItsNathan -Forstydew -dragonking155 -redroyalle -Hurlz -Imperial_Mint Apply and write down why you would like to join.
I only want people to apply please copy this below and post it ONLY if you want to apply 1. How old are you? 2. Infection Prestige 3. How long can you be online a day? 4. Donor Rank? (Rank Not Needed) 5. PvP Skills out of 10 6. Archer Skills out of 10 7. Skype? (You do not need skype.)
@Waffletumn @12323emily Shall We Do This? I'll apply now anyway How old are you? 2. Infection Prestige 7-lvl 117 3. How long can you be online a day? 2hrs 4. Donor Rank? (Rank Not Needed) titan 5. PvP Skills out of 10 8 6. Archer Skills out of 10 9 7. Skype? (You do not need skype.) I do have it yes
1. How old are you? 14/fetal stage 2. Infection Prestige 2? i think? the skull n crossbones anyway 3. How long can you be online a day? I'm usually on mv as a whole for 6-12 hours a day so i guess i can be on infection for 3-4 hours? 4. Donor Rank? (Rank Not Needed) God 5. PvP Skills out of 10 like a solid 4.7 (7 on a good day but i sometimes play at 6am and im like a 3) 6. Archer Skills out of 10 idk, 7 maybe? that seems about average i guess (really not selling myself here) 7. Skype? (You do not need skype.) i don;t have it sorry (i could maybe get it but no calls cos i have no privacy :/ )
1. How old are you? 13 2. Infection Prestige: 10 Sgt Maj 3. How long can you be online a day? 2-4 hours 4. Donor Rank? (Rank Not Needed) Elite 5. PvP Skills out of 10: 8 6. Archer Skills out of 10: 7 7. Skype? (You do not need skype.) Don't have