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  • Mini-Modding

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by TeamTyler, Aug 2, 2016.

    1. TeamTyler

      TeamTyler Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      If you wanna know why I made this, go to this thread to listen to my boring story: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/mini-modding.98448/

      Okay, there are many ways we see mini-modding.

      Kissing Up
      Try Harding

      Okay, so I'm here to ask you all a question. Your thoughts on Mini-Modding.
      If you have something to say about my ban here: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/mini-modding.98448/ then please start a PM with me saying your opinion.
      Okay, back to the chase.
      I have a few questions to ask you, I don't want pathetic 1 word answers. Don't use pathetic loopholes to have 2-3 words. I'm having a format for moderators AND players.

      1. What do you love about moderating?
      2. What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding?
      3. Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding?
      4. Have you ever been a Mini-Mod before you became a staff member?
      1. Do you Mini-Mod? If so, why?
      2. Do you want to be a staff member one day?
      3. How do you feel when you've helped a player?
      4. What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding?
      5. Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding?
      1. Do you Mini-Mod? If so, why? I mini-mod because I'm actually hoping to be a moderator one day. I do it to help people when staff cannot, or I feel nothing is being done.
      2. Do you want to be a staff member one day? As much as I have a low chance, I really want to be a staff member one day. I feel I can help so much. One reason I want to be a staff member is so that I don't get hate for being helpful. People always tell me to stop acting like a mod and that I should apply if I want to be able to. Joke's on them. :P
      3. How do you feel when you've helped a player? I actually feel great when I help someone. Knowing I've made someone's day I leave feeling happy.
      4. What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding? I find it annoying sometimes, but I know that 90% of mini-modding's intention is to be helpful.
      5. Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding? I feel they should not be punished for mini-modding, unless they mini-mod against high ranked staff, like saying "Give this user a longer ban" or "Unban this user!". I feel you should be able to mini-mod, just don't use it against the actual staff.
    2. xen

      xen Well-Known Member

      May 14, 2014
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      1. Do you Mini-Mod? If so, why? no
      2. Do you want to be a staff member one day? no
      3. How do you feel when you've helped a player? I don't have mc
      4. What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding? it's annoying
      5. Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding? if they're being overly obnoxious and annoying other players/mods then yes absolutely
      feel free to dislike if this offends you
    3. Talia

      Talia Experienced Member

      Jul 11, 2015
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    4. TeamTyler

      TeamTyler Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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    5. jezz

      jezz Well-Known Member

      Mar 13, 2016
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      Personally I think it can be annoying when the Mini-Mod makes a mistake and tries to pretend they are perfect, but ither than that it can be helpful when mods arent online :)
    6. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Do you Mini-Mod? If so, why?
      I wouldn't say I don't mini-mod, but I don't do it all the time. I sometimes do it when things get out of hand, and try to do something to take out the fire. Sometimes, I just leave it alone, and just report the message/s instead.
      Do you want to be a staff member one day?
      I would really love to be given the chance to moderate this server again, but I don't know if I could really pull it off, especially with stuff that's happened recently.
      How do you feel when you've helped a player?
      I can't really describe it, but I guess it feels nice to have actually helped a complete stranger on a virtual block game (Not trying to be rude, just trying to be descriptive) even though you can't see the expression in their faces.
      What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding?
      Personally, it can get a bit out of hand, and that's when I don't like it. Really, mini-modding as a whole is completely ok imo, and I even think it's nice of those to help out the server, even if they don't have that moderator tag. It shows that they actually have the time to help those in need, and I appreciate that. It isn't annoying at all, it's just that those people who don't help out those in need and/or don't like nice and helpful people do not see the good and kindness in others.
      Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding?
      Absolutely not. Like what I said, nothing is wrong with it, and it's actually good that people out there are willing to help other guys they don't even know irl. It's disappointing seeing that minority just bash and hate on these mini-mods, when they don't do any good for the server at all.

      That's about it ;p
      Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
    7. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      What's wrong with trying to help the server?
    8. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      1. Do you Mini-Mod? If so, why?: I do actually Mini-Mod, but I don't like take it seriously in any way. I usually just answer peoples questions. For example, "How do I get a kit?", "When do you get (object) in Infection." And so on. I try not to tell people how they should speak, like most mods do. For example, a random player is cursing and saying rude things. I usually just mind my own business and let them me. To conclude, on my terms in Mini-Moding, I just help players out by answering their questions.
      2. Do you want to be a staff member one day? I would actually like to be mod one day, but I just have many things to improve on.
      3. How do you feel when you've helped a player? If I help a player, and they actually Thank me for helping them, I feel a but proud of my self and joyful. But, if its a idiotic and self explaining question, I get annoyed.
      4. What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding? I don't mind other players Mini-Moding, but if they act like they know Everything about the server, it really Annoys me.
      5. Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding? I do not, because they are only trying to help.
    9. Talia

      Talia Experienced Member

      Jul 11, 2015
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      Damn why are there so many mini mods

      Yet when im in game

      Everybody be like when i ask for help

      "Yo stfu"
    10. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      I always thought the forums had less helpers than in-game.. :<
    11. leafu

      leafu Experienced Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      1. Do you Mini-Mod? If so, why? i dont think so?? idc enough
      2. Do you want to be a staff member one day? nah im good
      3. How do you feel when you've helped a player? p good
      4. What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding? helpin ppl is cool n nice for everyone yes
      5. Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding? idk why they would be
      i wanna know the full story tbh but based on what ive read so far, u aight
      even if u were bein a bad boi attitude wise after, nothin should have been found wrong w what u did in the first place
      if all u did was ask someone u suspected of ban evading to not ban evade then like whats the big deal w it, jus seems a lil silly the mod didnt want u doin that is all im sayin
    12. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Do you Mini-Mod? If so, why?

      I do, because a lot of the time it is needed. I've never once been told to stop so I will continue. I also personally think that reporting people on the forums is also classified as "Mini-modding" as we are in-fact doing a job that the moderators would do on here.

      Do you want to be a staff member one day?

      Maybe in the future, but I won't be applying for a short while until I get stuff sorted.

      How do you feel when you've helped a player?

      I don't feel anything, nor do I feel the need to help players. It's just something that I do because I can do it. I'd rather the players on the server got the help they deserve for spending time playing on here.

      What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding?

      There is nothing wrong with it in the slightest.

      Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding?

      If a mod punishes you for helping them out, then they just shouldn't be a mod. As an ex-moderator myself, I never wouldn't mind if someone came on and started answering the piled up questions that I received. Especially if I knew they were applying. I would, instead of what I've heard mods do and tell them to stop or they will be punished, I'd go and support them on their application. That's the right thing to do.​
    13. Insolar

      Insolar Well-Known Member

      Mar 18, 2015
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      i mini mod because its funny and usually results in the person cursing at me which is an ez report :)
    14. Valor

      Valor Well-Known Member

      Nov 2, 2013
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      1. Do you Mini-Mod? If so, why? Nope, because I used to hate it when I was mod.
      2. Do you want to be a staff member one day? I have been twice.
      3. How do you feel when you've helped a player? Aight
      4. What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding? I honestly think it's alright unless there's a staff member one, then it just becomes annoying.
      5. Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding? Depends on the severity.
    15. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Tyler I know you're banned, but since you're crazy you probably have an alt.

      I don't agree with a lot of things the staff implement, but I try not to complain.
    16. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      1. What do you love about moderating? Ehh ... There are good days and bad days
      2. What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding? It helps us out A LOT, like our job would be more than 100 times harder without them.
      3. Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding? NO, Thats like saying should someone be arrested for helping a lady cross the street or for stopping a fight
      4. Have you ever been a Mini-Mod before you became a staff member? Yes, I was apparently one of the best mini-mods on the server.
    17. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Do you Mini-Mod? If so, why?

      Do you want to be a staff member one day?
      I dont know

      How do you feel when you've helped a player?
      I dont know

      What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding?
      let the mods do the work.

      Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding?
    18. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      What do you love about moderating?
      A lot of things.

      What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding?
      There's a difference between helping someone and acting like a staff member. If someone asks for help then sure, go ahead and help them. But, if you (as a non-staff member) start ordering people around, then it's not okay. Also, getting involved in things that have nothing do do with you and taking control of 'fixing' it always ultimately makes things worse and that annoys me.

      What also irks me is when I have players in-game who are having conversations with me and are asking me questions, and players chime in and take control of the conversation, kind of dismissing my help. That's more of a personal annoyance but if a player asks to speak to a staff member and a non-staff member takes over, it's quite annoying.

      Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding?
      It shouldn't be punishable but some people need to know the limit.

      Have you ever been a Mini-Mod before you became a staff member?
      No, lol.
    19. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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      1. Do you Mini-Mod? If so, why? I mini-mod sometimes to make the mods life a little bit easier and to prepare myself if I can one day become a staff member.
      2. Do you want to be a staff member one day? Yes I do,I really want to become one :D
      3. How do you feel when you've helped a player? I feel more pumped about helping others, so the more I help, the more I want to continue doing it. Yes, I am weird.
      4. What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding? I find mini-modding fine, it's not something everyone appreciates but it can help few players when the mods aren't there. But there is a limit to it, the player doesn't need to give orders or taking control of everything and saying "I can fix it" etc.
      5. Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding? Of course not, it's something that can help moderators and players even if it can be annoying sometimes.
    20. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      1. What do you love about moderating? Everything.
      2. What are your thoughts on Mini-Modding? Its great unless you start impersonating staff and saying for example you are a mod but just helping people out that it great and helps a lot.
      3. Do you feel players should be punished for Mini-Modding? No. Unless you decide to act like you are an actual staff member.
      4. Have you ever been a Mini-Mod before you became a staff member? Well i did alot of helping so i guess so.

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