Introduction. Recently while at home with a few friends, we played this fun and scary game, known as "Murder In The Dark". You've probably played of it or heard of it before. It's a fun and scary game, and it's very entertaining. I was thinking, and thought about making a version for Minecraft. Well it took a while, and I've finally thought of how it would work. Original Rules. Basically, you play with 4-10 players. You get a deck of normal playing cards, and organize a pile so you have these cards. You need to have in your deck, King, Queen, Jack, And Ace. And then 6 normal cards. Shuffle the deck and deal the cards out face down. Everyone looks at their card, and places it face down in the discard pile. Someone sets a timer and turns the lights off and everyone goes and hides. Now here comes the complicated part. If you get the King card, you are the Murderer. Your'e job is to kill everyone, without getting caught. After the timer goes off, you come out of your hiding spot, and try to find people. You can kill someone by whispering You're dead into their ear. If you are given the Queen card, you are a detective. The detective's don't really have a job (I'll discus later). If you get the Ace card, you are a detective also. And finally if your'e given the jack card, your'e a Detective also. Now if you didn't get one of those 4 cards, you're a bystander. Bystander's run and hide with the others, but if they get killed they fall on the floor and die. If you are running to another hiding spot and you see a dead body. You yell Murder in the dark. Everyone comes to the table or whatever you used to start with as a base. And you try to guess who the murder is and if you guess right, you're the next murder. And it repeats until you get tired. Minecraft Style Rules. For an arena we would use an abandoned village or a abandoned hospital or city. It would be an arena of 10 players and only 10 players. A timer would start and 4 people would randomly get a certain kit based on who they are. No one will know who is who. Chat will be turned off for the entire game. When the timer goes off, it's every man for himself. Once you are killed, you can fly around and spectate, but your chat is turned off. If you are running around and you see someone get killed, then you should know its the murderer. Only the murderer can kill people. Once you know who it is. Try and find the murderer. Once you have him close to you. Without getting killed. Shoot him and he's been caught. Shooting him is basically saying "Murder In The Dark". Whoever shot him is the winner. And then the game starts over, but with different people who are the 4 special people. Important Info. Bystanders are not allowed to hit anyone who attacks them. You cannot defend yourself, you can only run. Kits. Bystander: A special bow for shooting the murderer. 64 Arrows (In case you miss). 64 steak. Murderer: The murderer doesn't use a weapon because his hands can kill in one hit. 64 steak, One 2 minute speed potion. Detective #1: One 2 minute invisibility potion. A special bow for shooting the murderer. 64 arrows. 64 steak. Detective #2: One 2 minute invisibility potion. A special bow for shooting the murderer. 64 arrows. 64 steak. Detective #3: One 2 minute invisibility potion. A special bow for shooting the murderer. 64 arrows. 64 steak. The End. Hope you enjoy my idea c; ~Hipster