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  • Mineverse Survival Updates - August 26th, 2023

    Discussion in 'Changelog' started by boba, Aug 26, 2023.

    1. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
      Likes Received:
      Mineverse Survival Updates - August 26th, 2023
      • Added some new prizes in crates once again!
        • Voter
          • [+] Pet Cod
        • Common
          • [+] Pet Frog
        • Rare
          • [+] Swift Sneak I Book
        • Epic
          • [+] Swift Sneak II Book
          • [+] Parrot Spawner
      • Added parrot spawner in /shop for $600,000.
      • Added sculk sensor in /shop for $3,500.
      • Added sculk shrieker in /shop for $4,000.
      • Added a hologram at /warp crates.
      • Updated crates area (/warp crates) with new decorations and heads.
      • Added a staff team area at /spawn with in-game staff listed
        • Moderators, Senior Staff (Senior and Head Mod), and Administrators (Admins and Owner)
      • Prefixes are displayed in private messages (/msg).

      We will be revamping the survival quest shop soon! Please let me know any quest suggestions you have and any ideas on what to add to the quest shop. Thanks!
      • Like Like x 1
    2. Dustyf@ll

      Dustyf@ll Honorary Supporter Premium

      Jun 7, 2021
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      i know this is a small stretch but I think when we reach 50quest points we can exchange for a nether star? "used to make beacons" I decided 50 points due to the rarity it is in the crate and the revamped possibility of the function of the netherstar. Also 50 points can be calculated to 6 epic keys in which helps facilitate somewhat of luck with them to get it or buy it strait from the store. Let me know.
      • Disagree Disagree x 1

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