This was happening to me when there were invsible people today, wierd :/ Ive never seen this before. Possibly the new texture pack? It shows invisible people as somewhat visible... im soo confused. Im guessing its the texture pack though...
Trevor, you are using the hacking client Metro. You have Health bar and the metro style hunger/hearts thing, so it's obvious. The reason you can see people it's an option on the client.
Lmao, he's using metro @AgentWifi I barely noticed.... @Lola Perez @fryzigg maybe you could banned him?.
@xxxvan @tin15cro and yea this is metro. you can toggle a thing that makes you see invisible peeps (i saw a vid on this i dont use it)
@AgentWifi yes i useed to use metro, but i do not anyomore. I extracted the file for the texture pack because i liked it's health bar/ hud or whatever u call it. I do no longer use it though. I definilty learned that from the previous 2 bans xD. I didnt want to give up the texture pack so i simple extracted the file. I attached a picture showing that i am in vanilla aswell.
I woud not understand why one could be banned for a texture pack. Not exactly sure. Also If i was truly still hacking, why would i put the picture of that? If you guys would like i can get rid of the texture pack if you feel like its an unfair advantage, but i know that i am not hacking. I also see no evidnce of hacking. I see a hud taked from a client converted to a diffrent texture pack, yet no hacks! How does one ban for no evidence?
@PopIs_MyLife @tin15cro plz lock this thread and archive due to the off topicness of comments to the title. Thnx
Actually there is. All you have to do is set up a simple bool code and change the variables. I have actually made several health and player indicator mods before. It is definitly very easy. Simply save the .json file and edit it using specialized software for the texture pack. Then, Go into the .jar and simply remove everything and adjust the health indicators. Its really actually very simple.
I said you can't have working health tags on a texture pack. You just said a bunch of stuff about mods after stating you put this stuff on a 'texture pack'. You've got a history of hacking, and this looks 100% like the Metro client. Nice hacks. Enjoy your ban, at least the mod should ban you.