ive emailed mineverse so many times with the correct format and video proof and still no reply i do this every week and dont get replies any help on to get there attention
Cyp/Crew are very busy, they don't reply to emails. They are very busy at the moment dealing with things throughout the server. You should only email them once, or most of the time they will not answer.
Cyp probably tries to reply and deal with the problems in the email as much as he can. The support email receives a lot of emails each day so it may take a few emails to get a reply.
tell me you wouldnt be mad when its been months when i can go on bigger servers and have my problem fixed in minutes. When they get more emails then mineverse
Hello westlee27, Why did you email '[email protected]'? Are you experiencing a donor issue? Have you detected a bug?
the issue atm is i cant build or break things on my plot on opprison and if u do /p info its says owned by westlee27 btw this hasnt been fixed since the server first updated to 1.8 but back on topic it was doing this before i changed name to WestleeOG then i changed my name and it still doing it but obviously mineverse replies to none of my emails but heres the video proof its mine even before i changed name
oh and now i cant even open those chests. and another issue is i cant open my own chests in my normal prison cell but u already know..... no reply
I think they should hire a few admins to deal with the email issues. You would have to send a legit resume ect. Cyp and Crew are exceptional but everyone needs help every once in a while. Maybe this will reduce the amount of emails with no replies. Just my 2 cents, don't take it too literally.
You're not guaranteed a reply within the first email you send, there's only 2 people who have access to the support email sadly. As I said Cyp tries his best to do the email which gets a lot per day, promoting admins to do the support email would be great but that is probably not going to happen for awhile. If this is still a problem then try sending an email every few days and don't spam it because you will probably just get in trouble. Archiving.