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  • Mineverse Capes

    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by Stephen Curry, Feb 6, 2016.

    1. Stephen Curry

      Stephen Curry Well-Known Member

      Oct 7, 2015
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      Sure, I guess I'm ranting in a way.

      As most of you guys know, Mineverse has recently started selling MineCon capes from years '11, '12, '13 and '15. Not the 1900's, guys. Anyways, I believe Mineverse should release more original capes. The developers should create awesome cape designs w/ pixel art, increasing the income that Noob and Cyp receive, and also benefiting the players. Anybody could go to MineCon with money and purchase a cape. But, original Mineverse capes are better. The players would probably be happier with capes from their favorite, or one of their favorite servers. The capes currently out for sale are cool, but Mineverse capes would be epic. Support or no support (or neutral) I guess. Thanks for reading,

      if you did...

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