Hi everyone! As some of you may know, we are recruiting a Wolf Pack in Minecraft! We will be doing many things, so I strongly suggest you apply to become a member. Firstly, I would like to tell you all how to find out your position in the pack. You need to honestly answer all of the questions in the quiz in this link: (Click here!), and then tell us all which position you got. If you are an alpha, then you will be an auto beta, as we already have an alpha for each gender; the male is RebornWolf, and the female is me. Non-Pack Members who I suggest join: @Bad Wolf @MarkyPixel @Rodeen To apply please fill out the template below (DER=Question doesn't effect result) : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IGN: Nickname (In-game or real life): Age: Pack position: Out of 10 how good are you at PvP? (DER) : Out of 10 how loyal will you be to the Wolf Pack?: Do you like wolves or dogs?(DER) : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for reading, and I hope you apply!! We need pack members. Please note that you need both Reborn and I both to say yes for you to be able to join! -Wolf Pack
Current pack members who need to be tagged: @RebornWolf @WolfBane @Billy_Wolf @DeltaWolf @ScubaSc1216One
Nah it's not really a clan xP More like a group of people who just like to chat xD We'll be getting a website and such soon.
IGN: Recyclinq Nickname (In-game or real life): Andrew Age: 13 Pack position: Alpha - Automatically beta though D: Out of 10 how good are you at PvP? (DER) : 9.5 Out of 10 how loyal will you be to the Wolf Pack?: 10 of course Do you like wolves or dogs?(DER) : I have 3 dogs of my own, two Husky dogs and one Chihuahua :p
Not really, and besides- You're already in our Skype group so I guess I should just recruit you. (You don't need to be in a faction if you're already in one.)
HUSKIES!!! :> You're in, you're trustworthy (To me) and I feel you would be a good addition to the team
Beta of the Pack - My result. IGN: __BadWolf__ Nickname (In-game or real life): Misty - Used to be a nick name but now it's my legal name. lol Age: 30 - Yes, really... Pack position: Beta Out of 10 how good are you at PvP? (DER) : 0 - Not a fan of PvP Out of 10 how loyal will you be to the Wolf Pack?: 8 - Depends on what is requested of me and when I am available. Do you like wolves or dogs?(DER) : Both Note: I noticed mention of Skype. My hearing sucks so I will not be available on Skype. I do use Skype but only with video as well as Audio so I can see what the person I am talking to is saying and just with close friends and family.
IGN: 8top Nickname (In-game or real life): 8top -_- Age: 14 Pack position: Beta Out of 10 how good are you at PvP? (DER) : Depends, if its team pvp, I'm a support type of person with a bow. Maybe 6 Out of 10 how loyal will you be to the Wolf Pack?: 10 Do you like wolves or dogs?(DER) : Dogs
IGN: ThorWolf Nickname (In-game or real life): thorr Age: 11 Pack position: oopss Out of 10 how good are you at PvP? (DER) : 7 Out of 10 how loyal will you be to the Wolf Pack?: 6 Do you like wolves or dogs?(DER) : yrd