Ages ago I bought VIP for my account (TheOnlyMiner99) however resonantly my account has been hacked and I cannot gain access to that account. I was wondering is there anyway to transfer that VIP rank to my new account (Crazy_Shockz) The only way I can prove that I owned the account TheOnlyMiner99 is my profile with my thread postings under the name TheOnlyMiner99/TheOnlyMinerHG also this screenshot from december 2015 of my chasing my forum name from TheOnlyMiner99 to TheOnlyMinerHG Thank you for reading.
We don't do rank transfers here for many reasons, sorry. Feel free to try and get in touch with one of our server owners (CypriotMerkz) if you have concerns regarding this matter. The email [email protected] is where you can go if you'd still like to try for a rank transfer. Keep in mind, Cypriot does not reply to those emails but only fixes the issue if he can. It is very unlikely your rank will be transferred as well, so if nothing happens, assume it's because we just simply don't transfer ranks. Let me know if you have any other questions by starting a conversation with me, thanks!