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    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Eaglepaw16, Feb 13, 2016.

    1. Eaglepaw16

      Eaglepaw16 Active Member

      May 17, 2014
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      MineBreakers Official posters!

      MineBreakers is a type of series you would see in a TV, like the walking dead, or supernatural etc. Well this is based on the game Minecraft, and in this story There's some types of worlds where we can see that has different types of characters, and each character is unique in their own ways that many people can relate in each of these characters. And in one world the government wanted to create something impossible that in real life it would be more likely impossible, they try to create a super soldier that could do extraordinary things, almost like a supernatural being. And that backfires when the soldier tries to go against everyone thinking humanity is a threat. And that's when these group of people meet up on some point and try to stop Joshua (main villain: soldier). Although they are different, they are kind of forced to collaborate. MineBreakers is a combination of action, comedy, romance, and drama, with a more realistic touch to it. Its going to be very different compared to other people that has tried to do this, there is going to be a lot of emotions planted into each character and what they go throughout the series. We are trying to shoot for 30-50 episodes for season one, and season 2 is already planned, but not yet working on it yet.

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